


1. 基础课程:保健按摩学专业的基础课程主要包括中医基础理论、解剖学、生理学、病理学等。这些课程为学生打下坚实的医学理论基础,使其掌握人体生理、病理等方面的知识。

2. 专业课程:专业课程是保健按摩学专业的核心课程,主要包括按摩学、推拿学、经络学、穴位学、刺灸法学、手法技巧、按摩临床治疗等。这些课程使学生掌握按摩的基本理论、手法技巧和临床应用。

3. 实践课程:实践课程是保健按摩学专业课程的重要组成部分,主要包括临床实习、技能实训、模拟教学等。通过实践课程,学生能够将所学知识应用于实际操作,提高临床技能。

桑拿4. 选修课程:为了拓宽学生的知识面,培养其综合素质,保健按摩学专业还设置了选修课程,如养生学、营养学、心理学、运动康复学等。


1. 讲授法:教师通过课堂讲授,系统地向学生传授保健按摩学的理论知识,使其对所学知识有一个全面、系统的了解。

2. 实践教学法:在实践教学中,教师引导学生进行实际操作,让学生在动手实践中掌握按摩手法和技巧。此外,教师还注重培养学生的观察能力、分析能力和解决问题的能力。

3. 案例分析法:教师通过分析典型案例,让学生了解不同病症的按摩治疗方法和注意事项,提高学生的临床思维能力和实践能力。

4. 小组讨论法:教师组织学生进行小组讨论,让学生在交流中互相学习、共同进步。通过讨论,学生能够加深对所学知识的理解,提高沟通协作能力。

5. 模拟教学:教师模拟临床场景,让学生在模拟环境中进行实际操作,提高学生的临床实践能力。

6. 产学研结合:学校与企业合作,为学生提供实习和就业机会,让学生在实践中提高自己的专业素养。



1. **护眼明目**:枸杞富含胡萝卜素、维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素C、钙、磷等营养元素,有助于维护眼睛健康,预防视力衰退。普洱茶中的茶多酚等物质也有助于保护眼睛。

2. **排毒养颜**:枸杞普洱茶中的茶多酚和有益菌有助于分解体内毒素,提高皮肤吸收氧气的能力,促进新陈代谢,从而达到美容养颜的效果。

3. **瘦身降脂**:普洱茶中的有益菌可以减少小肠对甘油三酯和糖的吸收,提高酵素分解腰腹部的脂肪。枸杞也有助于调节身体脂肪,两者结合对减肥有积极作用。

4. **抗衰老**:枸杞和普洱茶都含有抗氧化物质,可以延缓衰老过程,保护细胞免受自由基的损害。

5. **调节血糖**:普洱茶具有调节血糖的作用,对糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。


6. **提高免疫力**:枸杞具有增强免疫力的作用,普洱茶中的生物活性成分也有助于提高免疫力。

7. **改善睡眠质量**:枸杞有助于改善睡眠,普洱茶也有助于放松身心,两者结合对改善睡眠质量有积极作用。

8. **养胃健脾**:普洱茶具有养胃健脾的作用,适合脾胃虚弱的人群饮用。



1. **健脾养胃**:鸡菌能够健脾和胃,对于食欲不振、消化不良等问题有很好的改善作用。

2. **丰富营养**:鸡菌含有丰富的钙、磷、铁、蛋白质等多种营养成分,对于体弱、病后恢复和老年人都是极好的营养食品。


3. **含磷量高**:鸡菌含磷量高,适合需要补磷的人群食用。

4. **提高免疫力**:常食鸡菌能够提高机体免疫力,有助于抵制癌细胞,降低血糖。

5. **养血润燥**:鸡菌具有养血润燥的功效,对女性尤为适宜。


6. **药用功效**:
– **益胃清神**:鸡菌具有益胃清神的功效,可用于治疗胃病。
– **治疗痔疮**:鸡菌对于痔疮有治疗作用。


– **消食化积**:鸡菌壳(鸡内金)能消食化积,对消化不良和反胃呕吐有很好的治疗效果。
– **健脾养胃**:鸡菌壳能健脾养胃,对于肾虚、遗精、遗尿等多种常见疾病有治疗作用。
– **化坚消石**:鸡菌壳能化坚消石,对于胆结石和尿路结石有很好的治疗作用。
– **治疗胃炎**:将鸡菌壳研成粉末加蜂蜜,用开水冲服,对胃炎有很好的治疗效果。

7. **适宜人群**:鸡菌适合大部分人群食用,尤其是消化不良、食欲不振、身体虚弱、老年人、妇女等。



### 薏米的功效:

1. **利水渗湿**:薏米能够帮助人体排出多余的水分,对于治疗水肿、脚气等有很好的效果。
2. **健脾止泻**:薏米有助于改善脾虚泄泻的症状。
3. **除痹**:薏米可以缓解湿痹拘挛等痹症。
4. **排脓解毒**:薏米对于肺痈、肠痈等脓毒性疾病有一定的治疗效果。
5. **美容作用**:薏米中含有的维生素E具有美容养颜的作用,有助于保持皮肤光泽细腻。

### 红小豆的功效:

1. **利水消肿**:红小豆具有明显的利水消肿效果,适合治疗水肿、脚气等。
2. **健脾**:红小豆可以健脾,对于脾胃虚弱的人尤为适宜。
3. **解毒**:红小豆有解毒排脓的功效,适用于痈肿疮毒、肠痈腹痛等。
4. **利尿通便**:红小豆有助于利尿和通便,适合治疗便秘。
5. **减肥**:红小豆具有减肥的作用,可以帮助排除体内多余的水分和脂肪。

### 薏米和红小豆结合使用的功效:

1. **祛湿**:薏米和红小豆结合使用,可以增强其祛湿效果,适合治疗湿气重引起的身体不适。
2. **消肿减肥**:两者结合使用,可以更好地排除体内多余的水分,有助于减肥和改善水肿。
3. **健脾**:红小豆的健脾作用与薏米的健脾止泻作用结合,可以增强脾胃功能。
4. **营养补充**:薏米和红小豆都含有丰富的营养成分,如蛋白质、维生素和矿物质,有助于补充人体所需营养。

### 注意事项:


– **适量服用**:虽然薏米和红小豆具有多种功效,但过量服用可能会引起不适,因此应适量食用。
– **个人体质**:不同体质的人对薏米和红小豆的反应可能不同,应在医生指导下使用。
– **孕妇慎用**:孕妇在使用薏米和红小豆时应格外小心,最好在医生的建议下使用。



### 益处:

1. **补中益气**:黑米粥具有补中益气的功效,适合脾胃虚弱的人群食用,有助于增强体质。

2. **健脾和胃**:黑米性平味甘,归脾胃经,对于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振、大便溏泄等症状有改善作用。

3. **补血养颜**:黑米含有丰富的铁元素和维生素B族,有助于促进血液循环,改善肤色,达到美容养颜的效果。

4. **滋阴补肾**:黑米粥能滋阴补肾,对肾虚、腰膝酸软等症有缓解作用。


5. **延缓衰老**:黑米中含有丰富的维生素E和花青素,能清除体内自由基,抑制氧化反应,具有延缓衰老的作用。

6. **保护血管**:黑米粥中的黄酮类化合物有助于维持血管正常的渗透压,减轻血管的脆性,防止血管破裂,预防心血管疾病。

7. **改善贫血**:黑米含有丰富的铁元素,容易被人体吸收,有助于改善贫血症状。

8. **控制血糖**:黑米粥中的膳食纤维较多,淀粉消化速度较慢,血糖指数低,有助于控制血糖水平。

9. **增强免疫力**:黑米粥富含蛋白质、脂肪、维生素B和维生素E等,有助于增强人体免疫力。

10. **治疗骨质疏松**:黑米粥中含有丰富的钙元素,对骨质疏松有一定的治疗作用。

### 影响:

1. **养胃**:黑米粥易于消化,对于胃黏膜有保护作用。

2. **营养补充**:黑米粥能为人体提供丰富的维生素C、蛋白质、脂肪、铁元素和锌元素等营养物质。

3. **健康促进**:适量食用黑米粥有助于维持身体健康,预防疾病。

4. **美容保健**:黑米粥中的营养元素有助于美容养颜,延缓衰老。

5. **疾病治疗**:对于某些疾病,如贫血、骨质疏松等,黑米粥具有一定的辅助治疗作用。



1. **利尿消肿、降低血压**:马苋菜中含有丰富的钾盐成分,能够促进尿液的排出,有助于消肿,同时钾离子还能直接作用于血管壁,扩张血管,降低血压。


2. **清热解毒、凉血止血**:马苋菜具有清热解毒的功效,可以用来治疗热毒血痢、痈肿疔疮等疾病。同时,它还能凉血止血,适用于治疗便血、痔血等出血症状。

3. **预防心血管疾病**:马苋菜含有丰富的膳食纤维和多种微量元素,有助于预防心血管疾病和血管硬化。其富含的脂肪酸能防止胆固醇在血管壁上沉积,保护心血管系统。

4. **抗菌消炎**:马苋菜对大肠杆菌、伤寒杆菌、痢疾杆菌等多种细菌有抑制作用,对于细菌性痢疾、急性胃肠炎、腹泻等疾病有治疗作用。同时,它对多种化脓性皮肤病和外科感染也有较好的疗效。

5. **抗氧化、延缓衰老**:马苋菜富含的维生素E和硒具有抗氧化作用,能够清除体内的自由基,抑制癌细胞,延缓衰老,同时还能美容养颜。


6. **保护眼睛**:马苋菜富含的胡萝卜素在体内可转化为维生素A,有助于缓解眼睛干涩和夜盲症状,保护视力。

7. **促进伤口愈合**:马苋菜能够抑制细菌毒素,促进伤口愈合,辅助治疗感染性疾病。


8. **心脏保护功能**:马苋菜中的脂肪酸能够抑制和消除人体胆固醇和甘油三酯的形成,防止胆固醇在血管壁上沉积和动脉硬化,从而保护心血管系统。

9. **子宫效应**:马苋菜具有兴奋子宫的作用,促使子宫紧张性增加,可用于治疗产后出血。



### 老鼠的益处:

1. **生态系统中的一环**:老鼠是生态系统中的重要组成部分,作为食物链中的一环,它们对维持生态平衡有着不可替代的作用。如果没有老鼠,一些以老鼠为食的动物,如猫头鹰、蛇和黄鼠狼等,将失去食物来源,可能引发连锁反应。

2. **科研价值**:老鼠与人类基因相似度极高,尤其在遗传学研究中,老鼠常被用作实验动物。科学家通过研究老鼠的基因和生理特征,能够更好地理解人类疾病的机制,加速新药的研发。

3. **医学研究**:老鼠在医学研究中扮演着重要角色,如药物测试、疾病模型构建等。老鼠模型对于研究肿瘤、遗传病、心血管疾病等有着重要作用。


4. **食物和药材**:在一些地区,老鼠肉被作为食物来源。同时,老鼠的某些部位如胆、皮、尾等在传统医药中也被用作药材。


5. **经济价值**:老鼠的养殖可以为人类带来一定的经济效益。例如,在实验室中,小白鼠被广泛用于科研,而宠物市场也对老鼠有一定的需求。

### 老鼠的负面影响:

1. **疾病传播**:老鼠可以携带和传播多种疾病,如鼠疫、钩端螺旋体病等,对人类健康构成威胁。

2. **损害财产**:老鼠具有较强的啃咬能力,会啃食电线、管道、木材等,造成财产损失。

3. **农业影响**:老鼠会破坏农作物,对农业生产造成损失。

4. **生态失衡**:在一些地区,由于过度捕食,老鼠可能对当地生态平衡造成影响。


I have to say that this is a bit ironic.

What’s even more ironic is that when Su Mo saw the Lotus Sutra, he had lost his qualification to practice.
The wonderful lotus sutra is indeed a secret Buddhist scripture, but it can also make a person who has broken down in the abdomen practice again.
Road flyover Xuan Yu is too cruel!
One punch and one foot to cut off all hope of Su Mo!
Sue ink fists clenched slightly upward generate unyielding eyes.
No one can stop me!
No one is blocking my way!
Even in the face of such a blow, Su Mo still did not give up.
He will not choose to bow to fate!
Someone once exhausted his mind, and he changed his life.
At this time, if he gives up, he will fail that person!
Su Mo sat cross-legged and felt the aura of heaven and earth constantly condensing bit by bit into the abdomen.
After the aura enters the abdomen, the roots will not stay and disperse directly.
His abdomen is like a bottomless black hole devouring everything.
Sumo is not discouraged.
In this way, we constantly gather gas and condense gas and watch the aura disappear.
Cycle after cycle
A month passed.
Two months passed.
Half a year has passed in an instant …
Su Mo’s injury has already healed, but his physical condition has not improved at all.
This place is isolated from the world, and there is nothing that contains life, essence, flesh and blood or natural treasures.
When you are hungry, two people will pick some vegetables and fruits in the garden.
If you drink it, you can pump some cool wells deep underground.
This has no effect on the practitioner.
The person who cultivates the truth is the person who accepts the aura of heaven and earth and practices ascension.
But repairing the demon needs to add a lot of life essence!
In the past six months, the secret code of the demon king in the wild in Su Mo has almost stopped, and Dan is still full of cracks without any signs of repair.
Gathering gas in Xiuxian for half a year did not arouse the slightest reaction in Dantian.
The dantian is still swinging in a dead silence.
Of course, Su Mo has not gained anything in the past six months.
There are many Buddhist secrets in the sutra depository.
He was surprised to find that he could understand these obscure and boring scriptures!
It’s like suddenly losing your mind.
Time flies, and it’s half a year.
Sumo has been at the bottom of the buried dragon valley for nearly a year.
Signs of healing of Danhao in one year
Abdominal abdomen is like a pool of stagnant water, and there is no vitality in the end.
Su Mo’s eyes are not as firm and unshakable as they were at first.
Don’t just be silly to practice?
When will there be a turnaround?
Standing in the courtyard, thoughtfully thinking a little about Su Mo’s heart, he made a decision to take out the object bag and take out the Zhu Guo in ten thousand.
Zhu Guo is bright red and crystal clear, emitting scorching energy.
This ten thousand-year-old Zhu Guo has been stained with too many people’s blood!
Not only the younger generation in the northern region, but also Yuan Ying Zhenjun has fallen by hundreds!

"This is the overlord of Silvermoon Valley!"

Yuan Linger Trail "This is an ancient silver moon wolf."
"After listening to the two of you, Yuan Xiong is really old and healthy!"
In the area next to Silvermoon Valley, a beautiful woman dressed in colorful tulle coquettishly said, "I’m a little moved."
Followed by the glow of the sky.
The petals are scattered and fragrant.
A large group of demons broke through on auspicious clouds.
In the middle is a magnificent big chariot, in which lies a pot-bellied man with a fat brain.
There are dozens of young women around who follow the wrist basket and scatter petals from time to time.
In the big chariot, there are also fat women who pinch their legs and beat their arms to feed the wine and fruit.
"This fat will enjoy it."
The overlord of Jinyanshan sneered, "But no matter how hard you hide it, you can’t stop his stench!"
"This is Qixia Guba, and the main body is blue-eyed toad," Yuan Linger said.
Blue-eyed toad pure blood fierce beast!
With green eyes and poisonous touch, it will die and devour everything, even the fallen dragon bones!
The seven overlords are now six!
The demons didn’t wait long before a mist appeared in the distance.
This water mist is so powerful that it is difficult for the demon gods to probe into it!
When this piece of water mist came near, one of the monsters came out. The first person looked cold and wore dark armor, even his cheeks were wrapped in it, revealing a pair of eyes!
These cold and ferocious eyes are frightening!
Misty ze overlord arrival!
The main body of Mist Zeba is an ancient crocodile!
Seven overlords, namely, Ape Tiling, Hanging Sheep Peak, Jinyan Mountain, Qixia Valley, Silvermoon Valley, Thousand Snake Island, and Misty Ze, have gathered together to gather high-ranking demons, and many of them have a huge entourage!
The huge fluctuation of god’s knowledge echoed in the middle, but there was no sound.
It wasn’t long before the seven overlords got together from their original places and didn’t know what they were talking about.
Sumo speculated that it is very likely that the former day star exists!
"Ape crow ridge you long time no see!"

In fact, it is not difficult to rescue the Moon Bathing without the dragon fighting. The most feasible way is to rob the sedan chair.

Although the wedding was held in the Dragon Palace in the South China Sea, Bath Moon herself lives in the West Sea. There seems to be something in common between the dragon customs and human beings. She should not have entered the Dragon Palace yet, but had to be welcomed in by Ao Changhua sedan chair. Then she might as well break into the Dragon Palace to save her, so as to save her trouble.
It’s not too difficult to find out the wedding route. It’s an aquarium event. People are talking about it everywhere. You can find some people and ask them more.
After a long time in the sedan chair, the wind soul from the city really heard the trumpet suona and other instruments playing drum music ahead
He stayed there and wanted to wait for the sedan chair to pass by before suddenly robbing the moon. Who knows, he waited for a wedding procession but never passed. However, a riot came from that direction and the music stopped. Someone shouted everywhere.
He dazed zheng thought is Zhao Wu female sent someone to start work?
Hurriedly flew past.
But I saw that although those people were in a mess, they didn’t look like they were being attacked. They were wearing big red flowers, and the South China Sea Dragon Tai Ao often looked around on the hippocampus.
Some soldiers and crabs will hear the noise and rush to ask them what happened. A matchmaker shouted, "The bride has run away."
South China Sea Dragon’s Big Wedding, Four Seas Dragon Kings Gathered together, but the bride disappeared. Is this such a big event? For a while, the South China Sea Aquarium soldiers will search everywhere.
The wind soul is fixed there and there is no response at the moment.
The bride ran away before he robbed the sedan chair?
This incident obviously shocked the dragon king Aoqin of the South China Sea, and the whole South China Sea aquarium was mobilized, even without letting go of one reef and one stone. Seeing this appearance, the soul thought that the moon bath would be found out sooner or later, so he also quietly searched for the results. Not only did he not find those shrimp soldiers and crabs, but he also failed to find out the moon bath for an hour or two.
The wind soul is amazed at the dark divination, but it is still impossible to figure out the tricks. I know that this is mostly because Zhao Wu’s daughter is worried that her plan will be discovered, and she will let people quietly disturb the operation and make the divination temporarily work.
He saw that Tai Ao Chang, a dragon in the South China Sea, was also leading people around to search, so he quietly followed him. He had a person who was not familiar with the underwater world, so it was naturally difficult to find the bathing moon on his own. It was better to follow Ao Chang. If someone found the bathing moon, he would come and inform Ao Chang at the first time.
He followed for a while only to find that although Ao Chang was also pretending to search for people in the area, he obviously didn’t look too serious and didn’t look worried.
It is reasonable to say that the bride left him on such a big wedding day, and the groom should never be so leisurely, but that is the case.
Wind Soul saw him turn left and turn right with several Qinbing and came to a coral forest. He entered the forest, while those Qinbing stayed nearby with discretion. Wind Soul followed Aochang without letting those Qinbing find him.
As soon as he entered the coral forest, Aochang ran to the cabin in the forest
A woman ran out of the hut and threw herself into Ao Chang’s arms.
This woman is not bathing in the moon.
The wind soul now finally knows why Ao Chang is so careless about the bride’s disappearance.
Anger flashed in his eyes, and he almost wanted to rush to give this guy a good bath. Moon Horse is going to marry this guy, and this guy actually comes to secretly meet another woman?
However, if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is no lesson. It is wrong for Ao Chang to meet women on his wedding day, but isn’t it also a run-off to bathe in the moon?
The wind soul was not interested in peeking at other people’s trysts, so she was ready to turn around and leave. Just then, the woman heard a lot of noise outside and asked worriedly, "Will they find Sister Bathing Moon?"
"Don’t worry," Ao often replied, "My father can’t find her even if people search the South China Sea."
I heard that the wind soul moved in my heart and somehow gave birth to a chill in my heart
How dare Ao Chang say with such certainty that no one can find the moon bath? Did he kill his wife who hasn’t gone through the door because he likes to be with women in the road?
Thought of here, no matter how much the wind soul floats to Ao Chang at once.
Ao often didn’t think that someone in the dark was surprised to see the face of the cool breeze, but he was relieved. "It turned out that you didn’t expect that you really came."
The wind soul can’t help but feel that he is so calm. "It seems that I guessed wrong that he didn’t kill Bath Moon, otherwise it would never be so calm."
"You knew I was coming?" He looked at Aochang.