
### 益处:

1. **食物来源**:大鹅的肉和蛋是重要的食物来源。鹅肉味道鲜美,营养价值高,含有蛋白质、脂肪、维生素和矿物质等,具有补虚益气、和胃止渴、止咳化痰等功效。

2. **生态平衡**:鹅是食性广、嗜食性强的动物,能够食用各种沉水植物和少量水生昆虫,包括一些害虫和蚊虫,对维持生态平衡有积极作用。

3. **农业辅助**:在农田中,鹅可以吃掉一些害虫,减轻害虫对庄稼的危害,对农作物的生长起到促进作用。

4. **经济价值**:鹅的羽毛、皮等副产品也有很高的经济价值。鹅毛可以制作被子、衣服等,鹅绒则用于制作高档的毛绒制品、羽绒服等,鹅肝也是美食中的佳品。

5. **看家护院**:大鹅的听觉敏锐,有危险时会迅速发出警报,具有一定的看家护院作用。

6. **独特用途**:在某些地区,如巴西的监狱,大鹅因其识别陌生人方面的能力被用作警戒措施,成本较低且效果显著。

### 影响:

1. **驯化影响**:大鹅经过长时间的驯化,体型、行为等方面都发生了变化,如失去了飞行能力,但这也使其更容易被人类饲养。


2. **生态影响**:大鹅的养殖可能会对当地生态环境产生一定影响,如湿地系统的改变等。

3. **文化影响**:在中国等一些地区,大鹅被视为吉祥的象征,具有丰富的文化内涵。

4. **经济影响**:大鹅的养殖和加工产业链对当地经济有一定的促进作用。



### 用途:

1. **调味品**:白胡椒常用于各种菜肴中,特别是炖菜、汤品、炒菜等,可以增加食物的香气和辛辣味。
2. **药用**:白胡椒具有一定的药用价值,中医认为它具有散寒、健胃、增进食欲、助消化等功效。
3. **食疗**:在炖汤或炖肉时,白胡椒可以帮助去除腥膻味,使肉质更加鲜嫩,汤汁更加美味。
4. **保健**:白胡椒可以帮助调节肠胃,去除寒气,对于胃寒痛有一定的缓解作用。


### 效果:

1. **去腥增香**:白胡椒能有效去除食材的腥膻味,增加食物的香气,使菜肴更加美味。
2. **促进消化**:白胡椒中的胡椒碱可以刺激唾液和胃液的分泌,帮助消化。
3. **温中散寒**:中医认为白胡椒具有温中散寒的作用,适用于胃寒、腹痛等症状。
4. **增强食欲**:白胡椒的辛辣味可以刺激味蕾,增进食欲。
5. **改善口感**:在炖汤或炖肉时,白胡椒可以使肉质更加鲜嫩,汤汁更加浓郁。

### 使用注意事项:

– **适量使用**:虽然白胡椒具有多种功效,但过量食用可能会刺激胃肠黏膜,引起不适。
– **烹饪时机**:白胡椒不宜高温油炸,应在菜肴或汤羹即将出锅时添加,以确保其香气和功效。
– **个体差异**:不同人的体质和口味不同,使用白胡椒时应根据个人情况适量调整。



### 营养价值

1. **丰富的维生素**:桔饼中含有丰富的维生素C,这是增强免疫力的关键营养素。同时,维生素C也有助于皮肤健康和伤口愈合。

2. **抗氧化剂**:桔饼中的天然抗氧化剂,如黄酮类化合物,可以帮助抵抗自由基,降低氧化应激,从而减少疾病风险。



3. **膳食纤维**:桔饼含有一定量的膳食纤维,如果胶,有助于促进消化系统的健康,可以增加饱腹感,对于控制体重有一定的帮助。

4. **矿物质**:桔饼中含有钾、钙、镁等矿物质,这些都是维持身体正常功能所必需的。

### 好处


1. **健脾和胃**:桔饼具有健脾和胃的功效,对于消化不良、食欲不振等情况有改善作用。

2. **化痰止咳**:桔饼中含有的桔子成分可以帮助缓解咳嗽和痰多的症状,对于轻微的呼吸道疾病有一定的缓解作用。

3. **理气宽中**:桔饼可以理气宽中,对于胸腹胀闷、气滞等情况有调节作用。

4. **美容养颜**:桔饼中的维生素C具有很好的美容作用,可以促进胶原蛋白的生成,帮助维持皮肤弹性和光泽。

5. **抗疲劳**:桔饼中的柠檬酸能够帮助消除疲劳,提升精神状态。

6. **降脂降胆固醇**:桔饼中的果胶成分有助于降低人体中的血脂和胆固醇,对心血管健康有益。

### 注意事项


– **适量食用**:由于桔饼含糖量较高,过量食用可能导致血糖升高,不利于糖尿病患者。
– **脾胃虚弱者**:脾胃虚弱者应适量食用,以免加重症状。
– **维生素B1吸收**:长期大量食用桔饼可能影响维生素B1的吸收,应适量控制。



1. **促进视力**:维生素A是维持良好视力所必需的营养物质,它参与视网膜中视紫红质的合成,有助于保护眼睛的角膜和结膜,并帮助我们适应弱光环境,从而减少夜盲症和干眼症等眼部问题的发生。

2. **促进生长发育**:维生素A在儿童的生长发育中扮演重要角色,有助于骨骼的正常发育和牙齿的形成,同时也参与蛋白质合成和细胞分化,对儿童的免疫系统发育和免疫功能提升有重要作用。

3. **提高免疫力**:维生素A对维持免疫系统的正常功能至关重要,它可以增强机体的抵抗力,促进白细胞的生成和增殖,提高对病原体的抵抗能力,有助于预防感染疾病。

4. **有助于皮肤健康**:维生素A对维持皮肤的健康和美丽起着重要作用,可以促进皮肤细胞的再生和新陈代谢,调节油脂分泌,保持皮肤的弹性和光滑度,并具有抗氧化作用,减少自由基的损伤,延缓皮肤衰老。

5. **促进生殖系统的正常功能**:维生素A对男性和女性生殖系统都有重要影响,是生殖发育和维持正常生殖功能的必需物质。

6. **维持内分泌系统健康**:维生素A参与丘脑、脑垂体等重要内分泌激素的营养成分,对内分泌系统的健康有积极作用。



7. **预防疾病**:维生素A的抗氧化特性有助于预防多种疾病,包括癌症。

8. **促进骨骼健康**:维生素A对人体骨骼生长发育和代谢有重要影响,可以促进骨骼细胞的形成和骨质的增厚与增强。



1. **降血压和血脂**:海南黄花梨木屑泡水饮用被认为可以降低血压和血脂,对心血管健康有积极作用。

2. **舒筋活血**:其独特的香气被认为可以舒筋活血,对缓解肌肉酸痛和关节不适有好处。

3. **止咳**:传统上,人们用海南黄花梨木屑泡水来止咳。

4. **改善室内空气**:海南黄花梨木自然散发的香气有助于改善室内空气质量,使人感到舒适。

5. **药理功效**:根据《本草纲目》的记载,海南黄花梨具有舒筋活血、降血压、血脂等药理功效,能够帮助人体抵御时气、恶气,增强体质。


6. **抗氧化**:海南黄花梨木材含有的降香油具有抗氧化作用,有助于延缓衰老。

7. **抗衰老**:海南黄花梨茶含有大量茶多酚和降香,被认为具有抗衰老效果。


8. **辅助治理环境**:海南黄花梨木因其稳定的木性和良好的纹理,被用来制作家具,长期接触可起到辅助治理环境的作用。

9. **保健枕头**:用海南黄花梨木制作的枕头,其降香味有助于降血脂血压,同时常闻之可舒经活血,具有保健作用。



1. **提香增味**:洋葱在炒制过程中会释放出独特的香味,能够增加菜肴的整体风味,使菜肴更加美味可口。

2. **去腥增鲜**:洋葱中含有的硫化合物能够中和肉类中的腥味,与牛羊肉等食材搭配炒制时,可以去除其腥膻味,使肉质更加鲜嫩。


3. **营养互补**:洋葱富含多种维生素和矿物质,如维生素C、维生素B6、钾和纤维等。与其他蔬菜或肉类一起炒制,可以丰富菜肴的营养成分。

4. **促进食欲**:洋葱中的辛辣味可以刺激口腔和胃黏膜,促进唾液和胃液的分泌,有助于增进食欲。

5. **解腻去暑**:洋葱具有解暑去腻的功效,尤其在炎热的夏日,搭配苦瓜、青椒等食材炒制,能够带来清爽的口感,帮助消暑降温。

6. **提高免疫力**:洋葱中的硫化合物和维生素C等成分具有抗氧化作用,可以帮助提高人体免疫力。


7. **易消化吸收**:洋葱在炒制过程中,经过高温加热,其中的纤维和营养素更易于人体消化吸收。

8. **烹饪简便**:洋葱的炒制方法简单,易于掌握,无论是家庭日常烹饪还是餐馆制作,都能快速上桌。


Every time the Gaos sent a new leader, he died in the wilderness for no reason.

No one walks in the wilderness, including Wu Jia Fei Zhou’s third brother. You must pay attention to Ann, remember, remember! "
"eldest brother, I remember!"
"And I still have a few friends in the imperial city. Remember that you have something to find them …"
In the words, I can’t wait to teach my brother everything and hope that he will be safe.
The two brothers have a heart-to-heart talk and drink fragrant tea on this night.
Brotherhood is like brothers!
Chapter one hundred and twenty-seven A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise!
Set out on Yangxiu Road the next day!
The family said goodbye to each other, and the four brothers and five sisters were all split-mouthed, and the third brother could not bear to cry.
Father is very happy that he is a promising person again.
Eldest brother didn’t say anything. He took Yang Xiu a bundle of money before leaving.
This Yang Xiushen has a total cash of one million.
Yang xiu’s luggage is very simple, with some change of clothes and a third-order Excalibur, Eagle, Wind, Sword, Chaos Chess, which has not been deformed, hanging around his neck.
In addition to these, there are two spirits of heaven and earth, all of which are placed in the camp.
Because of the Li family, Li Xingyun relied on this heaven and earth spirit to break through the quadruple of sanctuary, and now Yang Xiu dare not sell it easily.
But in the end, he gave the spark to the eldest brother.
Eldest brother, Yang Xiuqing, fire, fire and honour person, maybe this spiritual fire of heaven and earth is valuable to him.
Say goodbye to relatives. Yang Xiudeng boarded the boat.
This swift boat is specially designed to accept new students from Imperial City University.
Yang Xiu didn’t board the ship alone.
Princess Shi Hama Liu Jianing Xu Heyuan Liu Gang Lan Yu Xue Wei
Li Er Zhang Sanxiao Yueer, they are all dead.
Only Lan Yu actually got the qualification of Imperial University.
Another student named Xue Wei is also a pie in the sky to join the ranks of Imperial University for further study.
A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise!
The flying boat was greeted by a hundred meters long carved fence made of jade. The flying boat was carved with several exquisite runes, simple but solemn. The buildings and halls were stacked one after another, which looked very elegant.
Everyone was dumbfounded to see a princess than indifferent.
She said slowly, "The third-order flying boat is just a cloud ship."
Yang Xiu understood what Fu Xialiang said at that time: the first thing is the spirit of heaven and earth, then the flying boat and then the robe and armor …
Flying a car and flying a boat are called different seven orders, and they can be alternately used at will to make their meanings the same.
They boarded the bus, but they were not people. Princess Zhao Wanjun suddenly brought four servants.

"Thank you, Lord."

Thank you for Su Mo’s exulting.
In this way, he can not only leave Longyuanxing immediately, but also save one hundred yuan Lingshi.
Yuan Lingshi is too important to him!
Xu Shi raised my hand and threw a token to Xu Xiaotian, saying, "Take my token with Su Mo, and you can start sending the array directly."
Say that finish Xu Shi turned away.
"Brother Su, come with me"
Xu Xiaotian with Sue ink in the direction of the castellan mansion to send array.
In the road Xu Xiaotian still can’t help but ask "Su Dage, are you really not going to stay? My dad, he just gave you some gifts, but he is actually very nice. "
Su Mo smiled and patted Xu Xiaotian on the shoulder. "In fact, it is not unreasonable for your father to be alert to me."
Xu Xiaotian looked puzzled.
Sumo explained, "I did save you, but what do you know about me?" How do you know I’m not try to get close to your father or have other purpose? "
Xu Xiaotian mumbled something several times before saying "Brother Su won’t"
Although he said so, he didn’t have the confidence and felt guilty.
He found himself relieved of Su Mo, knowing each other’s names and knowing nothing else.
Su Mo smiled and said, "It’s always right for Jianghu to be sinister and cautious."
Xu Tianli nodded.
The two men walked along the winding stone path in the garden, and it didn’t take long before a lot of bluestones emerged in front of them.
Each piece of bluestone depicts a mysterious and complicated array pattern.
So many bluestones are built together to form the final array.
Guarding four or five guards around the array.
Xu Xiaotian took out the duke’s token and said, "Cui Guard, this is my dad’s token. He asked you to start sending someone away."
Cui Guard’s face turned reddish and his eyes dodged and said, "Little Gong is really sorry that this escort is broken."
Xu Xiaotian frowned and shouted at him, "How did the array suddenly break down? How do you guard! "
He is young, but he has begun to take on dignity.
Su Mo came to see around the array and soon found the problem, pointing to one of the long bluestones and saying, "This bluestone is broken to such an extent that it can never be an accident but caused by external forces."
That is to say, someone doesn’t want him to leave deliberately destroying the delivery!
Xu Xiaotian’s face was cold and heavy with a straight face. "Cui Guard, you are so bold!"
"It’s not my fault."
Cui Guard rubbed his hands and said quickly, "It was good before, but it was bad just now. It was definitely not my fault."
"Who’s that?"
Xu Xiaotian asked
"I don’t know"
Cui guard skin to smile don’t smile to say
For the little man in front of him, his surface is respectful and his heart is really not in mind.
Xu Xiaotian clenched his fist cold way "you guard here but don’t know who is broken to send array is your dereliction of duty! I’m going to tell my dad about your dereliction of duty now! "
"Don’t, don’t."
Cui escort a listen to Xu Xiaotian moved out of the duke also some panic faltered and said, "Liu Tongling just came to let our brothers from a period of time when we left, we don’t know what happened in this period."
"It’s Liu Tong!"
Xu Xiaotian bit his teeth slightly and looked defiantly.
Chapter one thousand nine hundred and nine ulterior motives
Xu Xiaotian asked, "How long will it take to repair this array?"
"Don’t worry, I’m sure I can repair the array in half a year."
Cui guard vowed to say
"That long?"
Xu Xiaotian frowned.
He doesn’t know anything about array 1 and can’t help.
Su Mo looked at the bluestone for a while before turning around and looking at Cui Guard and simply said, "Twenty days is enough to repair this bluestone."
In fact, Su Mo said that this figure is still conservative.
He doesn’t know anything about sending bursts of grain.
If you know the pattern of sending bursts like the back of your hand, you can repair this bluestone in ten days!
"You …"
Cui Guard’s face was reddish and he wanted to argue, but Su Mo looked at it and suddenly felt guilty. "Do you know the array?"
"Know something"
Sumo blazing with anger flatly said, "Give me twenty days, and I can repair this building with bursts of lines!"

Lin Yang jumped out of bed and walked quickly to the window. The click, click and sound had reached a far place. If Lin Yang’s hearing had not become extraordinary after stepping into the border, he was afraid that he could not hear it.

In the cold and dark night, this click, click sound, how strange it sounds, gives people a sense of chilling and horror.
Looking at the sound direction Lin Yang eyebrows slightly wrinkled ordered "Liu Xuejie you chase to see what’s going on with this strange ring"
Liu Xiying’s figure immediately emerged at his side and then quickly penetrated the wall and flew in the direction of the sound.
Ten minutes later Liu Xiying returned to Lin Yang’s side.
"When I caught up with it, the sound suddenly disappeared. I looked around the place where the sound disappeared, but I didn’t find anything suspicious." Liu Xiying’s face was puzzled when she said this. Obviously, she was also puzzled about this matter
"Strange …" Lin Yang muttered little doubt is getting deeper and deeper in my heart.
At the same time, there was a click, click sound in the dormitory area of the Art College. This click was just heard by Lin Yang. It was no wonder that Liu Xiying failed to catch up with it.
A slim figure in the bright moonlight is walking slowly in the corridor of the girls’ dormitory of the Art College. Every time this figure takes a step, there will be a click.
If anyone sees this figure, it will be scared to death, because this figure is not human, but a skeleton frame, and the skeleton frame is walking. It is the skeleton frame that rubs and makes noise when walking.
A skeleton frame …
A skeleton walking in the dark …
How scary is this scene? How scary is it? How scary is it? If Lin Yang or Bai Jie were here, they would certainly recognize this skeleton frame, because it is the skeleton frame stolen from the anatomy laboratory not long ago. What would the skeleton frame be here? And still walking on your own?
Is it true that it was not stolen, but turned into a monster?
This thing is really hard to imagine.
Knock, knock, knock …
A slight and rapid beating came out from the skeleton frame.
Take a closer look. It turns out that there is a heart suspended inside the skeleton chest.
Although there is no blood vessel to connect blood and no muscle to protect it, the heart is still beating and looks full of vitality. In addition to the heart, organs such as liver, lung and kidney are suspended in this skeleton frame … All organs are working normally, just like the living.
Looking closely, it is not difficult to find that there are wisps of soul fire flowing back and forth in this skeleton frame. It is these soul fires that maintain the normal operation of organs and enable this skeleton frame to walk again. They link the skeleton frame and viscera into a whole just like living human blood and meridians.
A few minutes later, the skeleton frame came to the door of one of the girls’ dormitories and stopped.
It raised its right hand and held a wire between the forefinger and middle phalanx.
With the help of the wire skeleton frame, it is easy to hit the closed door of the girls’ dormitory.
Lock the skeleton frame with wire for a while … This guy was not a thief before his death, was he?
Pushing the door, the skeleton frame slowly walked into the dormitory and went straight to one of the beds.
Two soul fires appeared in the skeleton frame in the withered eyes.
The girl’s appearance in the bed reflected by the deep blue light of the soul fire was also reflected-Ming Xi was lying in bed. This girl turned out to be Ming Xi. What did you want to do when you found Ming Xi?
Chapter 29 Eating the Living Qi and Blood
Skeleton frame slowly bent down in Kaka crunchy will not a flesh and blood head to the sleeping Ming Xi stopped at a distance of about five or six centimeters from her lips.
Ming Xi slept just as Horae didn’t notice that there was a horrible ghost beside his bed.
The skeleton frame stared at Ming Xi’s eyes, and the soul fire suddenly became fierce. Although it had no tongue, it made a low and strange sound with the friction impact of the teeth and jaws.
Listen carefully, these teeth and jaw joints are not messy chapters, but coincide with some mysterious rules, as if chanting incantations. It is true that this skeleton frame is chanting incantations, although it has no tongue, but it has completed chanting incantations through the friction and collision between teeth and jaw joints. Although this method is strange, it has to be admitted that it is really imaginative. As the incantation goes on, the soul fire in the skull frame’s eyes gradually turns from dark blue to blood red, strange yin evil red and creepy. After three minutes, the spell stops.
The skeleton frame suddenly opened its mouth wide, and a blood-red soul fire appeared in its throat. This blood-red soul fire quickly rotated and produced a strong suction, which made people stunned.
Plumes of breath like white mist mixed with filar silk blood line emerged from Ming Xi’s lips, and were directly sucked by the bloody soul fire in the skull frame’s mouth. If Lin Yang were here, he would be able to recognize that the white mist coming out of Ming Xi’s mouth was her body gas.
From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, this qi is the basic material that constitutes the human body to maintain human life activities. People must have qi when they are alive, and once they die, this qi will disappear with them.
For those bloodshot blood mixed in qi, it is the essence of Ming Xi’s body blood. This skeleton frame is actually absorbing Ming Xi’s qi and blood. It is no wonder that Ming Xi’s qi and blood have been deficient in recent times. Even if Lin Yang gave her a recuperative prescription, it didn’t work. It turned out that there was nothing wrong with Lin Yang’s prescription or Ming Xi’s body. It was all because this skeleton frame sucked Ming Xi’s qi and blood. Generally speaking, ghosts and other evil things sucked the living qi and blood, which often made the living suffer from serious illness and great loss of qi and blood in about seven days. However, it’s been a week since Ming Xi developed symptoms of deficiency of both qi and blood, but instead of suffering from serious illness, all kinds of symptoms caused by deficiency of both qi and blood, such as dizziness, mental fatigue and so on, have been significantly alleviated and improved … Is this what Lin Yang’s prescription has done? Or is there some other unknown reason?
After 7749 seconds, the skeleton frame closed its mouth and stopped smoking it. The two bloody soul fires in its eyes also changed back to deep and remote blue. Then it turned around and left the dormitory in Ming Xi with a click and click, and did not forget to gently give the dormitory door.
The skeleton frame continued to walk slowly in the dormitory area of the Art College for one night. It actually visited dozens of dormitories and sucked dozens of people’s blood. These people have different ages and genders. Why does the skeleton frame suck enough blood when it is not in a dormitory or a dormitory building? What is its purpose in doing this?
I’m afraid I won’t know this until I have a skeleton frame.
At four o’clock in the morning, the sky showed signs of brightening. The skeleton left the dormitory area of the Art College and disappeared into the night.
At 6: 30 in the morning, Lin Yang got out of bed on time as usual, dressed and went to the medical school to do exercises, running laps day after day to exercise.
After more than half an hour, Lin Yang returned to dormitory 47. At this time, Liu Xiangcheng, Ma Wanwen and Zhou Liang were still fast asleep.
Lin Yang was lifted one by one and said, "Get up, get up. Didn’t you three guys say you should go to bed early and get up early? What are you doing in bed? "

Breaking the waves, cold hum a dark scold, and when you return to Tianmen Indra, you may not be given the sacred heart tactic.

What kind of person is Indra? He knows Indra very well. If he keeps his word, he will be the best person in the world.
Indra looked at the two dragons in his hand and said in a good mood, "Although the dragon slayer didn’t get all the dragons this time, he also got two dragons. These two dragons should be enough. Now we will go back to Tianmen to raise the injury and then settle accounts with Wang Yue, Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun and others. These unappreciative things will not be spared."
Breaking the waves, destroying the bosom, and Luoxian fuels at the same time and says, "It’s the master."
Chapter 454 Lord South
Indra took several ghosts and gods with her. After the strong left Shenlong Island, a young man dressed in black came out of the dark and looked at the sea with a sneer.
This young man is none other than determined.
Proud never enemy Wang Yue forced his own Jingxue to urge the sword to escape from Shenlong Island, but no one thought that he would play with Wang Yue once and come back.
In fact, I have come to Shenlong Island for two purposes: one is to get Dragon Blood and the other is to get Dragon Yuan. How could he leave easily if he didn’t get Dragon Yuan?
Now there is no one else in Shenlong Island except Ao Jue.
Proudly holding a fist, Dalongyuan sneered, "Wang Yue, Indra, wait for your seat until I swallow Longyuan’s skill and it will be your death."
Juejian is powerful and proud, and knows better than anyone. Now Juejian has the edge and Long Yuan in his hand. He doesn’t believe Indra and Wang Yue will be his opponents.
There are two Wang Yue, one Nie Feng, one Bu Jingyun, one Pojun and the last one in the hands of Emperor Indra.
When I came to Shenlong Island this time, I was determined to gain the most from Indra Day, but when I broke the waves, I lost everything and got hurt all over.
"In a few days, Dragon Yuan will be cooled down, and then I can devour Dragon Yuan. Even Indra and Wang Yue wouldn’t have thought of it. Haha …" Proudly laughed.
I have to say that this time, "Lamp Black" was very high, and no one thought that it would be proud, but I got Longyuan and planned to close it on Shenlong Island.
Indra returned to Tianmen and hurriedly reached an arrest warrant for Wang Yue, Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun and Pojun. These four men never came back to Tianmen when they got Longyuan. Obviously, they have betrayed Tianmen and will never come back.
Not only that, they will be sworn enemies of Tianmen from now on.
Indra day, of course, also knows that the wanted order is strong for ghosts and gods, even if Wang Yue’s martial arts are too strong, even if they break the waves together, it would be impossible to take Wang Yue if Indra day didn’t come out in person, but the wanted order also represents Indra day’s attitude towards Wang Yue and the four of them, that is, the undead endlessly.
Indra has been in charge of Tianmen for thousands of years. He is the secret emperor of China, and no one has ever dared to rebel against him. This time, Wang Yue and his four people touched the bottom line of Indra.
Wang Yue was afraid that the Tianmen people would never leave the city hall as soon as they came back from Shenlong Island.
The twin cities are Wang Yue’s lair, and his family and department are here. Even if Wang Yue offended Indra, it is impossible to give up the twin cities.
Wang Yue came back the next day and received a secret letter from Luo Xian. She told Wang Yue that Indra had issued a wanted order to him, and Indra would definitely deal with him after absorbing Long Yuan.
Wang Yue carefully read the letter and said to Tianmen’s brother, "Go back and tell Luo Xian that she is kind to me. Wang Yue remembers that I will pay it back when I have the opportunity in the future."
If you don’t guess Wang Yue, you will know that this messenger Tianmen’s brother was told by Luo Xian’s diehard loyalty, and he didn’t taboo Indra.
Not Luoxian, even breaking the waves, they have several die-hard hands in Tianmen, where the ghosts and gods are strong.
That day, my younger brother said "Yes" with his fuels.
As soon as Brother Tianmen left Yan Ying, he asked Wang Yue, "Wang Yue, will you leave this time when you come back?"
Wang Yue shook his head and said, "I’ve been in Shuangcheng since I left. I’ve been practicing martial arts and helping Tianmen for years. Now that I’m away from Tianmen, I can spend some time with you and my parents."
In the past three years, because Wang Zhi lost Yan Ying, she didn’t have a good life and Wang Yue wasn’t around, most of the time she was in a daze.
Wang Yue came back to see Yan Ying haggard and a little guilty. After Yan Ying got married, Wang Yue didn’t seem to give her much love but rarely accompanied her.
Former Yan Ying attached great importance to wealth, but now she seems to have paid more attention to "Wang Zhi" instead of wealth.
Wang Yue said to Yan Ying, "Don’t worry, Yan Ying, Wang Zhi has been smart since he was a child. I’m sure he’ll be fine if he’s still here. We’ll find him sooner or later. You must protect yourself before you come back, so you won’t be too lucky if you fall ill."
There is no news from Wang Zhi, which is perhaps the best news. It gives Yan Ying a missing thought, a missing thought that the son is still alive.
Yan Ying nodded with tears in his eyes. "Well, I will."
After dinner, Wang Yue went into the secret room.
Longyuan was put in the secret room, and now Longyuan has finished cooling.