
1. **清热解毒**:蒲公英性寒,味苦、甘,归肝、胃经,具有清热解毒的功效。饮用蒲公英水可以帮助缓解体内热毒,对疔疮肿毒、目赤咽痛等症状有一定的缓解作用。

2. **利尿通淋**:蒲公英水能帮助清除体内多余水分,促进尿液的生成和排出,对于湿热黄疸、热淋涩痛等症有缓解效果。

3. **消肿散结**:蒲公英煮水饮用有助于消肿散结,适用于改善乳房胀痛、眼睑肿痛、扁桃体肿大等症状,对于急性乳腺炎、急性扁桃体炎等疾病也有一定的辅助治疗作用。

4. **抗菌消炎**:蒲公英对金黄色葡萄球菌、伤寒杆菌等有抑制作用,有助于抵抗感染,对于咽喉炎、口腔溃疡等炎症有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. **美容养颜**:蒲公英中含有丰富的蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪、微量元素及维生素等营养成分,对于改善肌肤状况、延缓衰老有积极作用。蒲公英叶子中的成分可以改善湿疹和舒缓皮肤炎,花朵则有去除雀斑的功效。


6. **改善消化系统**:蒲公英煮水饮用有助于改善消化不良和便秘问题,其丰富的胡萝卜素和维生素C及矿物质能促进肠道蠕动,帮助消化。


7. **抗肿瘤作用**:蒲公英具有抗肿瘤的作用,可以辅助清热解毒、润肠清肺,对于某些癌症的预防和治疗可能有一定帮助。

8. **其他功效**:蒲公英水对感冒伤风、慢性胃炎、跌打损伤、皮炎等也有一定疗效。

– 蒲公英性凉,不适合体质偏寒的人群大量饮用。
– 孕妇和哺乳期妇女应在医生指导下使用。
– 适量饮用,不宜长期大量饮用。







### 益处:

1. **杀菌和抗病毒**:大蒜和醋都具有一定的杀菌和抗病毒作用。大蒜中的大蒜素能增强免疫力,醋中的酸性成分也有助于抑制某些病原体。


2. **促进消化**:醋泡大蒜可以刺激胃肠黏膜,帮助食物的消化,增进食欲,尤其适合消化不良的人群。

3. **降低血脂和预防心血管疾病**:醋泡大蒜中的有效成分有助于降低血脂,预防动脉硬化,对于心脑血管疾病的预防有一定的积极作用。

4. **抗氧化和抗衰老**:大蒜和醋都含有丰富的抗氧化成分,有助于清除体内的自由基,预防细胞损伤,从而具有抗衰老作用。

5. **抗癌作用**:大蒜泡醋被认为有助于预防癌症,因为大蒜中的某些成分可以阻断亚硝酸盐的合成,减少癌症风险。

6. **养肝和降血糖**:醋泡大蒜有助于提高肝脏能力,分解油脂,代谢酒精,对于治疗肝炎、脂肪肝等有一定的帮助。同时,大蒜中的成分能促进胰岛素的分泌,有助于降低血糖。

7. **其他保健作用**:醋泡大蒜还有助于消除红肿、去腥、促进血液循环,对改善油性皮肤等也有一定效果。

### 影响:

1. **刺激性**:大蒜本身具有刺激性,对于脾胃虚弱或消化系统有问题的人群来说,过多食用可能加重症状。

2. **过敏反应**:个别人群可能对大蒜或醋过敏,食用后可能出现不适。

3. **药理影响**:大蒜泡醋中的某些成分可能与其他药物产生相互作用,因此在使用过程中应注意。



1. **利尿作用**:茅针煎剂和水服用后,可以明显促进尿液排出,具有利尿作用。

2. **止血作用**:茅针粉末撒在出血处,按压1-2分钟,可以起到止血的效果。

3. **治疗急性肾炎**:茅针能够缓解肾小球血管痉挛,增加肾血流量和肾滤过率,从而产生利尿作用。在利尿的同时,血压逐渐恢复正常,有助于改善肾缺血。

4. **抗菌作用**:实验表明,茅针对福氏及宋内氏痢疾杆菌等有明显的抑制作用。

5. **抑制代谢作用**:茅针中含有的薏苡素能对骨骼肌的收缩及代谢产生抑制作用。

6. **治疗高血压**:茅针具有一定的降压作用。

7. **治疗消化道出血**:茅针可以与仙鹤草配合使用,治疗消化道出血。


8. **治疗其他疾病**:茅针还能用于治疗热病烦渴、胃热呕逆、肺热喘咳、水肿、黄疸等症状。




1. **润肺止咳**:梨糖中的梨汁具有润肺止咳的效果,能够缓解咳嗽、多痰等症状。

2. **清热解毒**:梨糖中含有的梨汁和中药成分有助于清热解毒,对于上火、咽喉肿痛等症有一定的缓解作用。

3. **养阴生津**:梨糖能养阴生津,适用于口干舌燥、阴虚肺燥等症状。

4. **辅助治疗呼吸系统疾病**:梨糖对治疗气管炎、哮喘等呼吸系统疾病有一定的辅助作用。

5. **开胃健脾**:梨糖中的糖分和营养素有助于开胃,增强食欲,同时也有助于健脾。

6. **润肠通便**:梨糖中的成分有助于润肠通便,对于便秘有一定的改善作用。

7. **美容养颜**:梨糖中的营养成分有助于调节身体机能,具有一定的美容养颜效果。

8. **提高免疫力**:梨糖中的成分可以帮助提高人体的免疫力,预防感冒和其他疾病。

9. **补充营养**:梨糖含有丰富的糖分、维生素、矿物质等营养成分,有助于补充人体所需的营养。



– 脾胃虚寒者:梨糖性质偏寒,脾胃虚寒者过多食用可能损伤脾胃。
– 孕妇、产妇:孕妇和产妇不宜作为日常保健品食用,需咨询医生意见。
– 糖尿病患者:糖尿病患者需按每日糖分摄入计划食用,避免血糖波动。



### 益处:


1. **降低血糖**:燕麦粉中的可溶性纤维能够减慢消化速度,降低血糖上升速度,对糖尿病患者控制血糖有积极作用。

2. **降低胆固醇**:燕麦粉中的水溶性纤维和β-葡聚糖能够降低血液中的总胆固醇和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇,从而降低心血管疾病的风险。

3. **促进消化**:燕麦粉中的膳食纤维有助于改善消化功能,促进肠胃蠕动,缓解便秘。

4. **预防心血管疾病**:燕麦粉中富含的亚油酸和亚麻酸等不饱和脂肪酸有助于预防心血管疾病。


5. **增强免疫力**:燕麦粉中的B族维生素、镁、锌和铁等营养素有助于提高身体免疫力。

6. **预防骨质疏松**:燕麦粉中含有丰富的钙和锰,有助于预防骨质疏松。

7. **促进伤口愈合**:燕麦粉中的锌有助于伤口愈合。

8. **抗衰老**:燕麦粉中的维生素E和亚油酸有助于延缓肌肤衰老,保持肌肤水润和光泽。

9. **调节内分泌**:燕麦粉中的营养素有助于调节人体内分泌,预防更年期障碍。

### 影响:

1. **饱腹感**:燕麦粉的纤维含量高,能够增加饱腹感,有助于控制体重。

2. **口感**:燕麦粉的口感较粗糙,可能不适合所有人,但可以通过与其他食材搭配来改善。

3. **过敏**:对于麸质过敏的人来说,燕麦粉可能会引起不适。

4. **胀气**:燕麦粉中的膳食纤维可能会引起胀气,特别是对于消化系统敏感的人群。

5. **烹饪方式**:燕麦粉的烹饪方式也会影响其营养价值和口感,如冲泡、蒸煮等。


Qin Yu looked at his lips and there was an emotion stirring in his heart.

"I didn’t mean to divide the people in the nine districts into three, six, nine and other class regions. If you want to develop, you must have a broad mind, but before these things, you must be fair and just, and you must not let the traitors have control." Commander Zhou raised his eyebrows and said, "There are two blocks in Fengbei that are European-American activity areas. Isn’t it nonsense that the General Police Department wants to investigate a case and say hello to their parliament first? Why do they have this special? ! Shen Wanzhou didn’t dare to move these people at first because the nine districts relied too much on foreign-funded enterprises to drive the economy, but this is killing the goose that lays the golden egg, which will lead to more contradictions and worsen the multi-ethnic people. "
Qin Yu slowly nodded his head.
"I’ll kill them! Wait for the Governor’s Taiwan to give them some warmer policies, so that this area will be completely stable. "Commander Zhou stretched out his hand and patted Qin Yu on the shoulder." I hope to see the spring flowers and sunshine in our hometown in my lifetime. "
"You can definitely see the Governor!" Qin Yuli saluted him immediately after the ceremony.
After the military and political conference in the nine districts, the Sichuan government will also usher in a qualitative leap.
Two days later.
The first time Qin Yu returned to Chongdu, it was announced that the first field division of Sichuan government would officially break away from the military and political system of the nine districts and declare independence.
Chapter DiErYangQi Times change the new king began to reign
Qin Yu called Daya back home the day after Sichuan declared military and political independence.
The two brothers chatted casually over a simple snack.
"What happened to you and Xiangxiang?" Qin Yu read smoothly and asked 1
Daya scratched his head and sighed and replied, "Alas, brother, I have had a hard time for more than a year."
"What’s the matter?" Qin Yu asked curiously.
"I found out that this woman is sick." Daya took a sip of white wine naively. "You said it was a bad time before. Xiangxiang never quarreled with me, but now she is getting better and better."
"Hehe, what’s the matter?" Qin Yu asked with a smile
"She always talks in a strange way. Sometimes I’m a little busy and I don’t call her. She says that I’m in a high position now. She’s a little unattainable. She’s not ready to break up and make room for other women at any time." Fang licked her lips. "Either she often loses her temper in a crazy way. She evades when I marry her … alas, it’s difficult."
Although Qin Yu is also a 250-year-old in emotional problems, at least she is treated lightly by a n experienced person. "This is very obvious. She just doesn’t feel safe now because her career and future planning are completely out of line with you. It’s normal to be swayed by considerations of gain and loss. So was your sister-in-law. Her education and education background are much higher than Xiang Xiang’s, but she is also emotional."
"Yes, but I really don’t have any other thoughts." Fang replied shamelessly. "You said that if I were a color group with your brother’s ability and beauty, wouldn’t the flags be fluttering outside? But do you think I have? "
"That you are with me" Qin Yu naturally answered.
"Come on, you have a wicked heart, no thief courage and no ability." Daya immediately waved his hand. "I’m not like you. I love Xiangxiang."
"… Mom, who are you talking about?"
"Hey hey" fangs grinned.
"So how are you going to solve this problem?" Qin Yu asked eating peanuts.
"I have solved it."
"How to solve it?"
"I gave her … I got her pregnant," Daya said. "No matter how much I say, it’s all talk on paper. You know me, I’m an activist."
"fuck!" Qin Yu was stunned by a "high!"
"She has been making less noise recently, and I’m going to marry her as soon as things are over here in Sichuan." Daya proudly said, "I can relax a little when the child comes out."
"I knew you were a good shot as soon as I picked you up." Qin Yu was also very happy. "Come on, fuck my silly brother, who is going to be a father soon."
"Come on!"
They bumped into a glass and drank it off.
In fact, Qin Yu rarely intervened in Daya’s emotional life, because he knew that it was not easy for his younger brother to be himself, and the Sichuan government had paid a lot to force him to marry a so-called door-to-door wife. After all, emotional life is a generational thing.
Qin Yu was very happy that the relationship between Daya and Xiangxiang was settled. He drank a whole glass of white wine before he changed the subject and asked, "Do you have any thoughts on the division of military power in Sichuan?"
Without hesitation, Daya Wen said, "We still have to take the road of two major war zones, and allocate fixed profits so as to facilitate management and avoid problems."

Jiao Fei heard the words "Road flyover ice", but he was also overjoyed. "How can I find road flyover ice if it’s not these geographical ghosts? I don’t know how many years this jade dragon seal has been sleeping here and has not been found. "

Zhu Jilong turned to Jiao Fei and shouted, "Do you really keep your word?"
Jiao Fei replied, "I naturally keep my word!"
Zhu hated the dragon’s heart and suddenly said, "Will you agree if I let you release all the dragons in the jade dragon seal?"
Jiao Fei was surprised. "I’m willing to let you out, or is it a cold road flyover that the black dragon’s predecessor came out?" Can I have an excuse if I let you out together? "
Jiao Fei didn’t say what benefits he wanted, but said what excuses he wanted. He suddenly made this Zhu Tired Dragon feel heartbroken and thought, "This young man must have been from the northern Sect of Mormon in those days, otherwise he wouldn’t have taken the jade dragon seal so easily. We have been stuck here for more than a thousand years, and it’s easy to bargain with such an opportunity!"
Before Zhu Tired of Dragons thought clearly, another white jade dragon flew out and roared, "If you are willing to let us out, I will show you a treasure of the Magic Door North Sect. At the beginning, those magic door guys were beaten out of the water by Taibai Jianzong, and several pieces of magic weapons were hidden in the North Pole. I knew one …"
Black jackal and Zhu Tired Dragon quickly joined hands to suppress this 25-year-old boy, and Zhu Tired Dragon showed an embarrassed look. He couldn’t help cursing, "This old white guy has been trapped here for thousands of years, and his brain has rusted. I don’t know how to tell people the truth. How can I say this?"
JiaoFei ha ha a smile "in that case, let’s say it one by one! I’ll let out anyone who said that the ice road flyover fell, and I’ll let out another one who said that I fell from the North Zongbao. I’ll settle down here temporarily without saying it, and I’ll think about it slowly. "
Jiao Fei reached out and pointed to Zhu Tired of the Dragon and said, "The elder is you!"
Zhu tired of dragons sighing lightly. Although these 17 species of dragons have forged a profound friendship for thousands of years, they are still important. He asked in a low voice, "If I come out, can I get out of trouble with Taoist friends and other old friends?" Jiao Fei was speechless. "Aren’t you going to split up?"
Zhu disgusted with the dragon and snorted in a low voice. "We were captured by the northern Sect of the Magic Gate at the beginning. How could we wait for us to go out and form a gang to build a foundation overseas to see if others came to disturb us?"
Jiao Fei smiled slightly. "In that case, I might as well show you a place to go. I know that there is a dumpling king temple overseas where monks are all dragons and have mastered the magic of immortality. Isn’t it much safer for several masters of this dumpling king temple to be old with me and share the same clan with you than to start a business from scratch? Even when the true master of Jiaowang Temple gave me the method of immortality, I can transfer it to you! "
Zhu disgusted with the dragon, slightly stunned. Although he is sure to transform into a real dragon, whether he can be refined into a dragon king’s order is extremely sure. It is not like the Terran’s long life span. If you want to live forever, you can’t waste time. For them, it is urgent to spend decades and hundreds of years. It is of course good to have one more way to live forever.
When Zhu hated the dragon, he told the ice Taoist himself that they were still worried that the ice Taoist would come to surrender again, but they didn’t expect that the ice Taoist would go out three times after freezing himself, and every time he came back, he would still sleep in the ice, although he would try to collect the jade dragon seal before going out, but none of them could succeed.
Jiao Fei listened with great joy and collected the jade dragon seal. Only then did he look for more than a hundred miles to the south according to Zhu Tired Dragon’s direction. Only then did he see an ice peak. This ice peak was unusually tall and perfect, glittering and translucent as jade. Jiao Fei collected all the spells, took out the ice cold light double hooks, and cut the ice peak into two parts when it was wrapped around a cold rainbow. However, this ice peak was harder than the other ice peaks, and finally the whole ice peak was left with a hundred meters high, and even the ice cold light hook could not be cut.
There is a faint shadow in this leftover ice, jiao Fei, and the black water is transported. It can be seen that there is a black-robed Taoist with an iron face and a dignified expression. He first knocked on his head before he shouted, "Master Bing has been ordered by Sister Guanghan to come to learn from you!"
Jiao Feiyun makes the icy cold light hook two icy rainbows slowly rub around this huge ice. Although Jiao Fei’s mana is not enough to cut this huge ice, the icy cold light hook slowly turns around. Although every turn is just a little debris, it will sooner or later break the icy road flyover out of the ice.
JiaoFei dark I feel in my heart, "this ice is also strange. Does the road flyover ice own mana to protect this ice? Otherwise, how could I not cut it? It seems that this icy spirit is not weak in self-defense against the enemy. "
Jiao Fei slowly honed this huge ice. After about three days and three nights, Jiao Fei watched that this huge ice had been worn away by one third. He was just about to take the ice cold light hook to rest for a few hours when he suddenly saw the ice Taoist suddenly open his eyes in the ice and shouted, "Master Bing came to learn from me on the orders of Sister Guanghan?"
Road flyover ice also don’t know what spell cast outside Xuan Bing suddenly disappeared, he coldly looking at JiaoFei tone without a hint of warmth said "wide cold this is to remember his master? Why don’t you bring that thing quickly? "
Jiao Fei secretly complained, "How do I know what Guanghan Xian promised you?" However, Jiao Fei obviously wouldn’t blow his own horn, and hurriedly offered the Seven Treasures Ruyi mantra in a low voice, saying, "Sister Guanghan said that if I sent this recipe to Master, she would accept me!"
Road flyover ice is very angry, but after reading the Seven Treasures Ruyi mantra, I suddenly thought thoughtfully for a long time before saying in a low voice, "I didn’t expect that there will be such a wizard for hundreds of years. With these Seven Treasures for protection, I really have a chance to escape from the reincarnation of the ghost burning eyes, and my spirit will not be lost."
He thought for a long time and shook his head. "Unless I still have a magic weapon to protect my soul and keep my body hidden in the North Pole, it’s still too risky."
The ice road flyover was talking to himself, but Jiao Fei heard that he was so happy that he took out the six Yang deities and said, "Master, don’t worry that I have refined this pole of reincarnation of Yin and Yang to protect people’s souls."
Road flyover ice put his hand on a recruit JiaoFei by his six Yang deities complications for the past road flyover ice around through the low road "how do I seem to be familiar with this multiplier? However, it can really protect my soul. I can come to the practitioner’s Seven Treasures Ruyi mantra. However, I don’t know if I will be laughed at by people in the future if I change my Buddhist achievement method. "
The ice road flyover talked to himself for a long time before he whispered, "Did you say you want to learn from me?"
Jiao Fei said quickly, "Brother Jiao Fei is here to see the master!"
Road flyover ice smiled but was extremely happy to drink low and asked, "Do you have this tactic? Why do you still worship my teacher? "
Jiao Fei released Xuanshuang Shaqi and said, "My brother’s spell is a door, but he has practiced it. Only when Xuanshuang worships at the master’s door can he hope to live forever. This seven treasures of wishful mantra requires the ninth knowledge of Amoro to practice perfection. It is better to practice Buddhism from scratch than to practice the door method more."
Road flyover ice is also a time when outstanding people think about it, and it is clear that Buddhist kung fu is not easier to be refined than Taoism, so the Yuan gods are dozens of times more than Buddhist monks who cast golden bodies. It is more obvious that the strategy of debut is actually far easier to live than Buddhism.
The Seven Treasures Ruyi Mantra is a crash course. Without a certificate, the Buddha’s golden body may go a side road, which is even worse. It is even more difficult to cultivate the Seven Treasures Ruyi Mantra at the top of the road. It is also possible to change Jiao Fei overnight. It is still necessary to start from the sixth knowledge until the seventh knowledge, the seventh knowledge, the first knowledge, the Araya knowledge, and the ninth knowledge, the Amoro knowledge.

"Who are you?"

The night road is close to the edge of death, and it seems that the state has improved after saving a Dan medicine by some kind of forced retention of a certain passive ability of life. At the same time, with a wave of the sword finger, the Taofu sword will automatically fly out and go round and round, and a vast expanse of firm but gentle winds will surround the Taofu sword, forming a shocking scene of rolling firm but gentle dragons.
This must be the combination of top weapons and top skills to produce power.
Refers to the Xuan Peak Frost Spirit Team, and all the people are slightly discolored. Only this type can show that the night road can rank 16th in the spiritual realm potential list, which is by no means a fluke. If they play before, I’m afraid they will really be defeated by the reverse order and killed!
Qin Changfeng!’
Light replied with a smile, after Qin Changfeng is a rush fiend servant two people directly to meet the rolling for more than ten meters firm but gentle dragon blunt past.
He didn’t take it seriously at all. He didn’t even raise his arm and probe into the virtual space. With a firm grip, he grabbed a gun with two dragons wrapped around it.
The core of peach wooden sword is composed of firm but gentle dragon, which twists like a huge whirlpool and wants to devour and strangle everything in front.
However, the night road underestimated Qin Changfeng’s strength, and his attack was terrible. He rushed into the dragon with a dragon gun and opened his mouth with a firm but gentle approach to the core peach wooden sword.
After a critical sound, the peach wooden sword was directly knocked out, and the firm but gentle all over the sky also instantly collapsed. It seemed fierce and amazing, and a spiritual realm Daoism was broken in a simple, direct and almost brute force way.
After the blood pool refinement, Qin Changfeng’s physical strength and bravery can already be seen.
As a result, the spirit of the night road was shocked by the shock. Once again, a blood arrow spewed out the dead, and it emerged from his face again. However, he fought hard. His left hand pinched his right hand and his sword pointed to the word "Chi". The hacked peach wooden sword turned back and suddenly became dark as ink and exuded a monstrous magic gas, which seemed to condense a stronger kill.
But Qin Changfeng didn’t give him a chance to be promoted to the fourth order. After that, the fiend came to the front of the night road as fast as a stunning flash, and his African paws were simply fierce.
Show is not good at melee night root method to resist him quickly display displacement skills white light flashing suddenly appeared in the rear more than ten meters, however, Qin Changfeng fiend also like tarsal maggots followed closely behind the stick to poop-poop two his body was torn red with blood.
"Stop it!"
A binge drinking from the mountain alliance came with a figure rushing to save the dying night road
This is a military inspector. His eyes are boiling with murderous look and he is very dissatisfied with staring at Qin Changfeng.
"Who are you, who dare to intervene casually?"
Qin Changfeng replied with a straight face and then shot directly into the night, and the eyebrows would be completely nullified. At the moment, the arm muscles bulged like iron, and the body was picked up and the dragon gun was flung out as a javelin.
Whoosh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Even with a corpse, the speed of the dragon gun is still frightening, and people can’t raise their hands to avoid it.
Boom, the military inspector’s small shield was blocked by the original gun tip, but in a moment, his eyes broke out and showed incredible horror. At the same time, both his arms were knocked backwards by a terrible force and vomited blood in his chest, flying back like a rag.
Qin Changfeng’s strength is strong after being refined by congenital blood pool, and he is doubtful at this moment.
Refers to the crow outside the Xuanshan Mountain!
Chapter three hundred and fifty-two Sacred remnant chapter reappears fate duel
"It’s terrible. How powerful it is to nullify the first Izayoi Road in the spiritual world potential list in a face-to-face manner!"
"Another military commander can’t even stop a shot. His arm was broken by the earthquake. His strength is definitely an elephant level!"
"Is the gap between the sixteenth and eleventh potential lists so big?"
The people present were not shocked. A few minutes ago, the night road was shot in the blink of an eye, and it was crushed by Cheng, which seemed to be very resistant.
No one will think that the night road is too weak, and he is also a peerless figure who can cross the ranks and fight. The final bleak ending can prove that his opponent is too strong.
"Is there anyone who wants to be satisfied?"
Qin Changfeng across the fiend high top view and emerged that kind of gentle smile like really want to satisfy others’ wishes.
"That’s enough. Don’t push your luck. You’re not the enemy in this battlefield!"
Suddenly, a cold hum sounded, and with a black fog suddenly enveloped the sky, a big hand patted the moment, and the sky was loud and the power was unprecedented.
Qin Changfeng suddenly narrowed his eyes … This palm with a sense of terror peerless hand is JunDuJi but also have to be the top strong in this realm is not before he shot back than!

At the same time

The test unit of the military factory pulled out 200 arms boxes labeled with conventional shells from the first warehouse and loaded them directly.
Two hours later, after kirill negotiated with the theater commander, the forward defense forces contracted back in an orderly manner and made a move of being forced to transfer and retreat because they could not carry the attack.
Qin Yu, the general headquarters of Beifengkou, asked Zheng with one hand akimbo, "Are they ruined?"
"It’s a bit funny," Zheng replied directly. "I’ve been in the front battlefield. Although they withdrew in an orderly manner, they always felt that they took the initiative to reduce the defensive hardness … Now I’m a little confused about their intentions."
Qin Yu is also a bit stupid "take the initiative to withdraw? What does this mean? "
Chapter 2663 Liquidating assets
The next morning, Baal city
Ke Hua got up early to confirm Zhang Qingfeng’s itinerary today, while Xiao Zhao rushed at Xiao Qinglong at dinner and said, "I observed that we have access to communication equipment, that is, the group of other people in the guard room."
Small tsing lung twist a head looked around "guard room you can contact but doesn’t mean you can equipment. Do you know if their communication equipment has been monitored by the layer? What if there is? I can lock you in minutes. "
"Then what do you mean?" Xiao Zhao asked
"We have to take a long-term view to find a safe way." Little Qinglong woke up in a low voice. "It can’t be urgent …"
"Gas bombs may be pulled to the front battlefield at any time. Is it urgent?" Xiaozhao looked around again. "I’ve thought about it. If the conventional way doesn’t work, then … then we’ll grab a communication device even if someone dies."
Small tsing lung eyes stared at him "… so we six people didn’t"
"There must be sacrifices when necessary. This is the nature of your work."
"Do you believe me once? Let me figure out what to do, okay? !” Xiao Qinglong said with a trembling voice, "… my family is also in the three major districts. I haven’t seen them for a long time. We really have to send the news out, but we don’t have to sacrifice the way!"
Xiaozhao looked at him stupefied and said nothing.
"You don’t believe me?" Small tsing lung asked worriedly.
"I believe you" Xiaozhao nodded heavily.
"Good I’ll think of some way to" small tsing lung nodded.
Area 4
Cocoa sat in the room in a camp of Tengbajun and said to her female assistant, "You inform the group finance department to let them evaluate the company’s existing fixed assets, including factory buildings, land, resource mines and equipment … and calculate a specific amount for Jiang Xiaolong."
Most of the radiation industry of Cocoa Company is located on the south side of Zone 4, where she has hoarded many factories, land, resources and mines, and these things are also reasonably and legally held and recognized by the joint government and commercial organizations.
After the war in the fourth district, Cocoa cashed in all the industrial departments in the main city of the fourth district, effectively avoiding a large part of the losses caused by the war, and she also smashed the money into the Tengba army as economic support for them.
The business scope of the old teahouse is actually the exchange of information transactions, information transactions and resources. To put it bluntly, it is a super-large interest replacement platform with no specific property. It does not have fixed assets, but it is the king of cash, because this kind of transaction pays attention to immediate benefits.
Cocoa sat in the room and communicated with the assistant for a long time before clearing up the existing assets of the group. Then she took a sip of coffee and said with a frown, "You give all these things to Jiang Xiaolong. If there is no problem, we can make small company accounts from several banks in the Asian League and the European Union and release the funds to him in batches."
Assistant thoughtfully for a long time "do you really want to do this? Isn’t this equivalent to making trouble? "
"I don’t think it’s a joke. His mind is no longer in the league, but I have nothing to return to him. I can divide it or get it … I can’t make it clear. I really don’t even have friends to do." Coco sighed. "Come on, go find him and talk to him in detail."
The assistant has been following Coco for many years. She knows exactly what her best friend+boss is thinking. After careful consideration for a long time, she said, "If you want to talk … I think it’s better for you to go by yourself. If I go, it will be too cold and impersonal."
Cocoa thought carefully about an assistant’s words and nodded slowly. "All right, then I’ll go and you give me the information."
in half an hour
Cocoa went to the logistics camp with the information. As soon as people arrived, she saw Meng Xi distributing food to some black children outside the camp.
"Ha ha, you still need to do this kind of work yourself?" Cocoa asked with a smile
"Babulu teamed up with some private armed forces in the south to give us high-priced food. Just now, they sent us something. I came out to sign it." Meng Xi touched a black child’s head and asked smoothly. "What are you doing here?"
"No, I’m looking for Jiang Xiaolong."
"Oh," Meng Xi nodded slowly. "We may have to move forward again. The report from the back cover troops said that Feng Corps had advanced a lot faster than before in the past two days, and I don’t know what the hell they were doing."
"Okay, I’ll talk first. Let’s talk later."
"no problem"
After two simple conversations, Coco stepped into the room, while Meng Xi said to an older black child, "Manny, you go play, I have to work."
"Sir, can you teach us to write Chinese characters?" Ten-year-old Manny asked in broken Chinese
"What should I learn Chinese characters?" Meng Xi is very curious
"Because we make many weapons … all in Chinese … I hope … I can learn to skillfully make these weapons fight …" The other party replied.
"You are too young to fight!" Meng Xi handed the food bag in his hand to the other party and shouted back, "Xiaoke, come and teach them to write. It’s good to be willing to learn."
At present, the Tengba army is in a state of dividing its troops to break through, and most of the troops have been broken down into small units. There are not only many children, but also some military dependents. They all withdrew from Baku City with Tengba at the beginning.
Although these children are very young, they all work in the army, such as pushing materials, simple patrol and vigilance, and cooking for soldiers with their wives
Children who grow up in a war environment are always stronger than ordinary children, and many Chinese soldiers like these children very much.
The camp can be seen in Jiang Xiaolong’s smile and put the information in his hand on the table. "I have asked the group to transfer funds over there. This is some statistics. Look at it."
Jiang Xiaolong frowned and looked at her. "Is it necessary for us to get this step? ! Are you too serious? "
"Xiaolong, to tell the truth, my problem in the fourth district is somewhat sexual … but I don’t need to impose this kind of sex on my partner." Coco replied softly, "… in fact, I won’t have to look back when you withdraw."
Qin Yu akimbo said to the Chief of Staff, "Are the Freedom Forces still withdrawing?"
"Yes, it’s still being withdrawn."