
1. **止咳化痰**:橙子蒸后,其营养成分被更好地释放,对于咳嗽、痰多等症状有一定的缓解作用。

2. **润肺**:橙子性温,蒸过后能更好地滋润肺部,适合干燥季节或肺燥咳嗽的人群食用。

3. **养胃**:橙子中的果酸可以促进胃液分泌,有助于消化,对于胃胀、食欲不振等有辅助改善作用。


4. **美容养颜**:橙子含有丰富的维生素C,蒸过后更容易被人体吸收,有助于改善肤色,增强皮肤弹性。

5. **增强免疫力**:橙子蒸后富含的维生素C能增强人体免疫力,预防感冒。

6. **缓解焦虑**:橙子的香味具有放松心情的作用,对于缓解焦虑、紧张情绪有一定的帮助。


1. 准备一个橙子,洗净表皮。
2. 在橙子顶部切一个小口,方便剥皮。
3. 将橙子放入蒸锅中,加入少许盐。
4. 大火蒸15-20分钟。


5. 蒸好后,剥皮,直接食用橙肉。



1. **祛风湿**:蕲蛇能够祛除风湿,对于治疗风湿顽痹、关节疼痛等症状有显著效果。

2. **通络**:蕲蛇能够疏通经络,对于经络不通、麻木拘挛等症有很好的改善作用。

3. **止痉**:蕲蛇对于抽搐、痉挛等症状有良好的止痉效果,常用于治疗中风口眼歪斜、半身不遂、破伤风等。

4. **治疗麻风和疥癣**:蕲蛇具有驱除皮肤风邪的作用,对于麻风、疥癣等皮肤疾病有治疗作用。

5. **性味与归经**:蕲蛇味甘、咸,性温,归肝经。其温热性质有助于驱散体内寒邪,达到祛风通络的效果。

6. **有毒性质**:蕲蛇含有一定的毒性,但经过适当的炮制后,毒性降低,药效得到增强。

7. **适用范围广**:蕲蛇不仅适用于治疗风湿痹痛、中风等疾病,对于小儿惊风、破伤风等也有一定的治疗效果。

8. **泡酒配方**:蕲蛇常用于泡酒,其泡酒配方可以增强其药效,适用于多种疾病的治疗。

9. **注意事项**:由于蕲蛇具有一定的毒性,使用时需注意剂量和炮制方法,避免过量使用或不当炮制导致不良反应。




1. **丰富的营养成分**:板栗含有大量的碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪以及多种维生素和矿物质。每100克栗子含有碳水化合物40.5克、蛋白质4.2克、脂肪0.7克,还含有钙、磷、铁等多种微量元素。

2. **健脾养胃**:板栗性味甘温,入脾、胃、肾三经,有助于养胃健脾,对于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振、反胃呕吐等有改善作用。


3. **补肾强骨**:板栗被认为有补肾强筋、壮腰的功效,适合肾虚引起的腰膝酸软、腰脚不遂等症状。

4. **抗氧化作用**:板栗含有丰富的维生素C和多种抗氧化物质,有助于抵抗自由基,延缓衰老。

5. **促进消化**:板栗中含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善消化系统功能。

6. **防治疾病**:板栗中的不饱和脂肪酸和维生素、矿物质,对高血压、冠心病、动脉硬化、骨质疏松等疾病有预防作用。

7. **增强免疫力**:板栗中的营养成分有助于提高人体免疫力,增强抵抗力。

8. **有利于孕妇和胎儿健康**:孕妇常吃板栗,有利于骨盆的发育成熟,还能消除疲劳,为胎儿提供营养。

9. **改善口腔溃疡**:板栗含有核黄素,有助于改善口舌生疮和成人口腔溃疡。

10. **助消化和促进脂肪代谢**:板栗能供给人体较多的热能,并帮助脂肪代谢,对于减肥和控制体重有一定的帮助。

– 生板栗不易消化,熟食又容易滞气,不宜多吃。
– 糖尿病患者应适量食用,避免血糖升高。
– 患有皮肤病、过敏体质者应慎食。
– 板栗不宜与羊肉、牛肉等性温热的食物同食,以免身体不适。


### 甘草茶的益处:


1. **补脾益气**:甘草具有补脾益气的功效,对于脾胃虚弱、倦怠乏力等症状有一定的缓解作用。
2. **清热解毒**:甘草有清热解毒的作用,对于热病引起的咽喉肿痛、痈肿疮毒等有辅助治疗作用。
3. **祛痰止咳**:甘草可用于治疗咳嗽痰多,对于多种咳嗽症状有一定的缓解效果。


4. **调和药性**:在中药复方中,甘草常被用来调和药性,使不同性质的药物能更好地协同作用。
5. **缓解药物毒性**:甘草可以缓解某些药物的毒性,用于解毒。

### 甘草茶的注意事项:

1. **过敏反应**:对甘草过敏者不宜饮用甘草茶。
2. **与其他药物相互作用**:甘草与某些药物(如强心药、降压药、降血糖药物)同时服用可能会产生不良反应,因此正在服用这些药物的患者应避免食用甘草。
3. **量不宜过多**:过量饮用甘草茶可能会导致不良反应,如消化不良、恶心、腹胀、心动过速、浮肿、性功能减退等。
4. **实证及中满腹胀者忌服**:对于实证以及中满腹胀的患者,不宜饮用甘草茶。
5. **儿童和孕妇谨慎使用**:儿童和孕妇在饮用甘草茶时应咨询医生,确保安全。
6. **个人体质差异**:由于个人体质差异,对甘草的反应可能不同,饮用前最好咨询专业医生。



1. **美白淡斑**:牛奶中含有的美白因子能有效淡化色斑,清除老化角质。同时,蜂蜜中的抗氧化物质能加快肌肤新陈代谢,抑制细胞色素沉着。

2. **滋养肌肤**:牛奶中的蛋白质、磷脂及矿物质能够为肌肤补充养分,促进表皮细胞的生长。蜂蜜中的活性酶、矿物质等成分有助于改善肌肤状态。


3. **软化角质**:牛奶中的酵素成分能有效促进皮肤角质的分解,使肌肤更加柔软。

4. **抗氧化**:蜂蜜中的黄酮类化合物、酚类、超氧化物歧化酶等成分能清除体内的氧自由基,使肌肤恢复活力。

5. **抗衰老、去皱**:牛奶蜂蜜面膜中的成分能延缓皮肤老化,减少皱纹。蜂蜜中的活性酶、矿物质等成分有助于改善面部细微的皱纹。

6. **保湿补水**:牛奶蜂蜜面膜具有很好的补水效果,适合皮肤干燥蜡黄的人群。蜂蜜中的葡萄糖、果糖等成分能直接作用于表皮和真皮,为细胞提供养分。

7. **消炎舒缓**:牛奶蜂蜜面膜具有消炎舒缓的作用,对于皮肤过敏或受损的人群有一定的修复效果。

8. **紧致皮肤**:牛奶蜂蜜面膜中的成分有助于紧致皮肤,使肌肤恢复光滑细腻有弹性的状态。

9. **促进新陈代谢**:牛奶蜂蜜面膜能够促进肌肤新陈代谢,有助于改善皮肤暗沉、粗糙等问题。

10. **适用肤质**:牛奶蜂蜜面膜适合干性肌肤和中性肌肤使用,对于油性皮肤可能会增加负担。



### 益处:

1. **富含维生素和矿物质**:芫荽含有维生素A、C、E以及钾、铁等矿物质,有助于增强免疫系统。

2. **抗氧化作用**:芫荽中的抗氧化物质可以帮助抵抗自由基,减缓衰老过程。

3. **促进消化**:芫荽有助于消化,对治疗消化不良和胃胀等症有一定效果。

4. **利尿作用**:芫荽有助于促进尿液排出,有助于缓解水肿。

5. **改善心血管健康**:芫荽中的钾有助于维持正常的血压水平。

6. **抗炎作用**:芫荽具有一定的抗炎作用,有助于缓解炎症。

7. **改善呼吸系统健康**:芫荽有助于缓解呼吸系统问题,如咳嗽和感冒。


### 影响:

1. **过敏反应**:对芫荽过敏的人可能会出现皮肤瘙痒、肿胀等过敏症状。

2. **药物相互作用**:芫荽可能影响某些药物的吸收和代谢,例如抗凝血药物。

3. **腹泻**:过量食用芫荽可能导致腹泻。

4. **怀孕**:孕妇在食用芫荽时应谨慎,因为过量食用可能会影响胎儿健康。

5. **疾病加重**:患有某些疾病(如肾病)的人在食用芫荽时应遵循医生建议。


Take out two long black horns

Golden hammer shortness of breath immediately.
Both materials are 14-grade bright blue materials.
For a refiner, this material has great charm.
Drawings are good.
Big devil’s horn is also good
All from the hidden big BOSS "Ancient Warden" on the third floor of the ancient prison!
This guy is second only to the ancient abyss overlord.
What it drops is naturally extraordinary.
These two materials of this drawing are very valuable treasures even for the Grand Lord. Hang Yu could not have obtained these things if he didn’t know the map.
"It shouldn’t be a big problem for you to master this drawing to refine the burning demon blade?"
"No problem!" The golden hammer is thorough for Hang Yu. "It has reached the advanced refining level seven years ago, but it has not been upgraded and put into refining in these years. If you want to forge this equipment, you should enter the quasi-expert level!"
Senior refiner expert refiner is a different concept.
The so-called quasi-expert level means that the proficiency and aura are all poor, and the skill stone breaks through the bottleneck. Of course, many production professionals in the spiritual world are stuck in this bottleneck.
"If you behave well and ask me to explain that everything can be done to my satisfaction, I will get you an expert refining skill stone!"
Head check. Who wouldn’t?
Golden hammer is convinced of this.
He has fully seen the Terran resource acquisition ability.
At the same time, when I learned that Hang Yu had gone out these days, I gave him another family member, Hang Xiaobai, a skill stone of expert medicine refining.
A blue production skill stone
Its value is several times more precious than the skill stone!
If we say that before the Golden Hammer, we still had a bad feeling about Hangyu taking away his stone furnace town, now we have completely dispelled all complaints.
What can the stone furnace do to guard the next generation?
At most, an ordinary dwarf Lord!
Not only should we bow and scrape to the big Lord, but we should also guard against the suspicion that our neighbors may be ambushed or fall into the fire sometime.
Want to climb?
Difficult to ascend to heaven!
Now lose your freedom
Have to hang out with Hang Yu.
But see a broader prospect!
Just by mastering the refining drawings of "Ancient Jihad Set" and about to master the refining drawings of "Burning Devil Blade", it is enough for him to become a valued guest of various lords.
Hang Yu came home.
Xiaobai didn’t watch cartoons
Refining potions in the workshop
"Small white? Is it smooth? "
Hang Xiaobai looked back with a beaming face and nodded hard. "Smooth and smooth, Xiaobai has advanced into an expert pharmacist. Now he has learned the formula refining of the abyss secret medicine, and his brother will definitely refine the medicine!"
"The secret medicine of the abyss is a purple potion. It is very difficult to refine it in all aspects. It can’t be completed overnight. Don’t hurry and take your time."


Life hangs by a thread. generate, who eats gold, gives a powerful force to lift the night spirit directly.
He shook his hind foot and dumped Su Mo’s body.
Sumo violet was almost torn in half by this and fell to the ground with a heavy loss of blood!
The night spirit fell not far away, and it was also bloody.
But he tumbled slowly and got up at once.
Not far away, swallowing gold method exhaled panting.
His neck wound is too heavy!
Sticky blood kept dripping and shining with dark golden luster.
Even its strong self-healing ability is difficult to heal.
The night spirit roared and rushed again.
Poof! Poof! Poof!
Night Spirit’s claws waved and his body flashed, and his posture was fast, leaving a series of deep bone wounds on the body of the gold-eating method.
And the front paws of the gold-eating tentacles are waving desperately.
But it’s too badly injured and its breath is completely suppressed by the night spirit. Even if it strikes back, it’s hard to have much impact on the night spirit!
The injury of gold-eating method is getting heavier and heavier.
But the night spirit became more and more brave and looked calm
It’s a long night, and the spirit looks at an opportunity and suddenly jumps to the body of the gold-eating method.
The night spirit’s sharp hind paws cling to hold down the blood of the gold-eating method and cross the neck, and the front paws firmly grasp its head and body to exert force!
Great power broke out and the method of eating gold was almost pressed into the soil and could not move!
Even the tentacles on its head are pressed by the night spirit!
dim light of night
A huge dark monster beast is standing on a dark golden method insect, shaking its purple tail and burning its four feet with purple inflammation. It is full of wild breath overlooking the whole life and dominating the ages!
Chapter one thousand one hundred and thirty Shenquan reappearance
The method of eating gold was trampled by the night spirit and could not move like an ant.
"Not the kui … is … too ancient taboo!"
This is the last sentence uttered by the method of eating gold.
The night spirit wagged its tail.
A purple shadow flashed directly to pierce the head of gold-eating method!
Its yuan god was also killed by the night spirit on the spot!
Su Mo took a long breath and relaxed when he saw this scene.
The chest wound is bloody, and the internal organs have been pierced.
His body was bitten by gold, and his tentacles also drew out several deep bone wounds, and blood was still flowing.
The intense pain hit Su Mo again, and he lay on the ground with a stuffy hum, unable to move, and his consciousness was blurred and he felt tired, and his heart almost fainted.
Violet is hard, but her blood is not strong and she has no self-healing power.
Suffering such a heavy blow, if you were a dragon, you might be able to recover in half a month.
But this kind of injury is unknown to violet. It is unknown when she will be nursed back to health and whether she can completely recover.
Just then, a black shadow passed in front of my eyes.
Night spirit came to Su Mo.
Two people wry smile at one another.
The night spirit is also black and blue.
I’m afraid he has never encountered such a dangerous world war I, which has revealed his secret!
Of course, the night spirit is powerful and self-healing
Even if you are black and blue, you still have the strength to walk.
Night spirit held out his hand to help Su Mo.
"No, I can’t walk. I have to lie here for a while."
Su Mo wry smile
"Your body is much weaker. How did this happen …"

Agent Ward’s mouth is not weak, but his body is honest. Get into gear and drive to the highway to escape.

However, when the black off-road vehicle just drove out 30 meters quickly and turned to the corner of the street, a loud noise turned the whole off-road vehicle into a huge fireball and exploded in situ!
B! ! !
Frank grinned at the side of the road and pulled out a Marlboro from his pocket. He lit it gently and smoked slowly. "Sorry, I changed my mind. Don’t do it again. I’ll kill you this time."
The violent explosion shocked the neighbors in Brooklyn, as well as Lou Gaofei and Carrie.
Goofy stared at the roadside smoking by the window. Frank shook his head and smiled. "You really know how to play, Frank."
"What happened to Goofy Dad?"
Carrie asked blankly.
Goofy smiled back. "We declared war on that organization."
"That organization? Is that going to arrest my organization? " Carrie whispered, "homeland strategic defense attack logistics security bureau?"
Goofy couldn’t help being surprised. "Can you recite it?"
Then he said, "Yes, this is the organization. You can call it SHIELD for short."
"S.H.I.E.L.D. … is it an evil organization?" Carrie asked in a low voice
"It’s a strong organization," Goofy said. "They may mean well, but the mistake is too natural."
"So … it is an evil organization?" Carrie concluded
Goofy smiled and rubbed Carrie’s head. "They are an out-and-out evil organization in dealing with your problem."
"But they must be very good?" Carrie was worried about Goofy. "Will you be in danger if Goofy’s father declares war on them?"
"There will be danger," Goofy said with a smile. "But I’m not afraid of danger. Don’t worry, Carrie, SHIELD can’t defeat me, and they can’t take you away from me."
Carrie nodded reassuringly at this.
She knew Goofy’s dad wouldn’t lie to her.
Chapter 135 Public opinion
Frank is sitting on the sofa waiting for him after smoking.
See goofy frank stand stand hand "sorry nephew uncle give you trouble"
Goofy didn’t blame Frank, but gave Frank a smile. Speaking of which, he can’t remember the last time he smiled at Frank.
"You did the right thing. If you weren’t worried about bringing Carrie down, I would treat those people in the same way," Goofy said.
Frank nodded with relief. "So small."
Then he took out a bottle of Borank from the cupboard and poured a glass of it. "But the Homeland Security Bureau is a difficult organization. If we kill their agents, they will never let it go."
"You can call them SHIELD for short," Goofy said. "This name is more convenient."
"SHIELD?" Frank laughed derisively. "That’s a real compliment."
Goofy stand stand hand.
Frank said, "Small S.H.I.E.L.D. will continue to come after you, whether it’s for you or Carrie, and they will always haunt you. Besides, today we killed five of their agents, and they will definitely count the account … so we must plan ahead."
Hearing Frank say this, Goofy knew that he must have an idea.
"Frank, how do you think we should plan ahead?"
"It’s very simple," Frank said. "Now, your influence will gain the support of public opinion first, and you will fly high. Although your rank is not high, you are also a nobody in NYPD, but your position in the hearts of the masses is very important. What you did before is enough for you to establish a heroic influence. If you make any public remarks, you will certainly gain the support of the broad masses of the people."
"Well," goofy nods.
"This makes the situation favorable to us," Frank said. "For today’s incident, we can publicly say that there was an illegal invasion and attempted to kidnap Carrie. We defended ourselves and killed some gangsters-of course, this is the fact that SHIELD did illegally invade first."
Goofy nodded gently.
Frank said, "Without the help of public opinion, if SHIELD takes the lead and accuses you of obstructing agents from carrying out public murder, then our situation will become passive."
"That’s true," goofy mused.
"Besides, S.H.I.E.L.D. will definitely put pressure on you through NYPD executives and even the FBI to investigate and blame you. To prevent this from happening, you must be proactive," Frank systematically analyzed.
"First mover?" Goofy looked up at Frank. "What’s the first move?"
"It’s very simple. Didn’t you just catch a lizard from the Aussie group the other day?" Frank asked with a smile.
"Professor Connors …" Goofy nodded. "There is such a thing."
Frank said, "You can break the news to the media and say that the capitalists of the Aussie Group hold a grudge against you, and the lizard’s remaining party is trying to get back at you. The way for these capitalists to get back at you is to buy off NYPD and FBI executives to persecute you and falsely accuse you of innocence …"
Goofy suddenly realized that "S.H.I.E.L.D. will punish me through NYPD or FBI, because once they do this, the masses will think that this is the revenge of the Aussie Group after buying NYPD and FBI executives."
Frank nodded with a smile. "Yes, NYPD and FBI have a bad reputation among the people. You have worked hard to save their reputation. They will never be stupid enough to destroy their reputation and get rid of a NYPD people’s hero."
Goofy is almost impressed with Frank. What a bad old man!
Frank patted Goofy on the shoulder and said, "Goofy, don’t worry, the people of new york have done so many good things. Everyone can see it. Even NYPD will not be attacked by SHIELD, and they will certainly protect you. What’s worse, this matter is that SHIELD has provoked you first. We are reasonable and reasonable. If you continue to protect new york and protect the people of this city, SHIELD can’t do anything to you."
Goofy nodded approvingly, and Frank said yes.
"In that case, I’ll go to Lianhe Zaobao’s friends first." Goofy got up and said.
"That Eddie Brock, right?" Frank smiled slyly. "Is that the one who shaped me into a people’s hero?"
Goofy smiled awkwardly-the old fox had already seen through his original trick, but it had never been significant.
"It’s him," Gao Fei said with a smile. "The tables have turned. It’s time for him to make me a people’s hero."
Frank raised his glass to Goofy. "You are the people’s hero when you come, son."
Go back to the room and dial Eddie Brock. Goofy called him three times before Eddie answered.
"Hey, man, what are you up to?" Goofy asked curiously, "Have you been disobedient for so long?"
"Something’s wrong!" Eddie said excitedly, "Tony stark is back!" "
"Really?" Goofy broke his fingers and calculated that it was time for him to build Mark I armor deus ex in the cave.

This is really a puzzle for many monks.

"That’s because you haven’t seen this beast yet!"
When the cat finished this sentence, the fingertips were light, and there was a fog in generate that didn’t enter the night.
A roar broke out in the depths of the night spirit’s throat, and the whole body trembled and expanded. In the blink of an eye, there appeared a huge monster beast ten feet high and nearly twenty feet long!
Bang, bang, bang!
The night spirit struggled and roared, and the gods locked out a violent noise!
Many monks gasped at the air conditioning.
The whole crowd fell back half a step.
The night spirit gives off a breath. It’s horrible!
Terran practitioners will unconsciously feel afraid when they see the creatures of Archaean Jiuzu. What’s worse, they will see that the nine fierce families are afraid of night spirits!
It’s an uncontrollable fear that comes from the depths of the blood. The monks present feel that the scalp is exploding and the hair stands on end!
Even the extreme fire and other great powers on the scene are pupil contraction!
Even though the night spirit has been trapped by a golden unknown chain, the night spirit’s minions are dancing and flashing with cold light, which makes them feel a palpitation.
This is a creature born of pure killing!
As soon as the secret agent grabbed it, he condensed a whip and slammed it on the night spirit, yelling, "Be quiet!"
Night spirit body trembling again almost spasm.
Bound by the lock of the gods, he can’t fight for his roots!
Behind the cat, the cold spirit came out, and a golden light was emitted from the fingertips and melted into the lock of the gods.
The gods lock the golden light and the iron hoop keeps shrinking!
Poop, poop, poop!
Night spirit quadruped neck spewed out blood again!
After the gods locked down the night spirit and changed into a human form, lying on the ground with a weak breath and a weak look.
"In Archaean times, this beast has destroyed the bloodthirsty nature of several races. If he is allowed to grow up, the mainland will be Yongning!"
The cat said slowly
"In that case, it’s better to kill this beast town so that it won’t harm the whole life and slaughter the sky."
"Yes, kill it!"
"I heard that this beast killed it with flesh and blood!"
There were shouts from the crowd.
Nine sects of Xianmen, seven sects of Mormon, and six temples of Buddhism all nodded in succession, and there was no objection to this matter.
Such a huge threat cannot grow from it.
"No wonder the night spirit was caught. There was a monk in Xuanji Palace behind it!"
Just then a cold sound came from outside the crowd.
Group repair looks around.
I saw a friar stepping in, with dark hair and blue eyes, but his eyebrows and face were full of murder, and he was walking slowly!
"You’re finally here."
The cat smiled faintly, "I have been waiting for a long time."
Chapter one thousand two hundred and ninety-four Three wai kill
"Wild Wudaojun!"
Xianjian’s eyes gnashed with hatred and hatred.
He was injured and has not recovered yet.
Over the years, he has been reduced to this, which can be said to be thanks to the wild martial arts gentleman!
At the beginning, it was the wild force that took away the Sword Tactics that should belong to him in Wanyao Valley.
If you get "Killing Sword Tactics in Heaven", his fighting power will skyrocket, and he will not be lost to extreme fire, and he will not be chased by shura to flee in a hurry.
He wouldn’t have been defeated by Huang Wu and ended up like this.
Yuan Shen was injured, and his fighting power was greatly reduced.
See Su Mo appear Xianjian consciousness clenched fists.