
1. **滋补养生**:排骨富含蛋白质、脂肪、维生素和矿物质,如磷酸钙、骨胶原和骨粘蛋白等,对于滋阴壮阳、益精补血有很好的效果。白萝卜则性温,可以起到补肾养血、滋阴润燥的作用。

2. **增强免疫力**:白萝卜含有丰富的维生素C和胡萝卜素,这些成分能增强机体的免疫功能,提高抗病能力。


3. **改善消化**:白萝卜具有消食化滞、排除胀气、解毒消热、通便止血的功效,有助于改善消化系统功能。

4. **保护心血管**:排骨和白萝卜的结合可以起到降血脂、稳定血压的作用,对心血管健康有益。

5. **预防疾病**:萝卜含有的大量粗纤维有助于预防胆结石,而其清热生津、凉血止血的特性也有助于预防感冒和其他疾病。

6. **美容养颜**:白萝卜中的纤维和水分有利于保健美容,有助于改善肤色,使皮肤更有光泽。

7. **舒缓压力**:对于现代生活工作压力大、身心疲惫的人群,排骨白萝卜汤可以缓解疲劳,改善睡眠质量。


8. **适合各年龄段人群**:无论是老人、儿童还是成年人,排骨白萝卜汤都是适合的营养汤品。


9. **季节性饮食**:民间有“冬吃萝卜夏吃姜”的说法,冬天食用萝卜排骨汤可以暖身,夏天食用则有助于消暑。

10. **辅助治疗**:对于小儿厌食症、皮肤干燥、气管炎等疾病,排骨白萝卜汤也有一定的辅助治疗作用。



1. **清热解毒**:奶白菜属于寒性食物,具有清热解毒的作用,对于体内火气较旺、需要清火的人群尤为适宜。

2. **养颜护肤**:奶白菜含有丰富的胡萝卜素,有助于维持皮肤细胞组织的正常机能,刺激皮肤新陈代谢,保持皮肤润泽细嫩。同时,奶白菜中的维生素E具有抗衰老和防止色素沉着的作用。


3. **明目**:奶白菜中含有的钙质能够增加眼球壁的弹力,有助于防治近视的发生与发展。

4. **健脾**:奶白菜适用于脾气虚弱、运化无力的人群,如脘腹胀满、食欲不振、肢倦乏力等症状。

5. **润肠通便**:奶白菜含有丰富的膳食纤维,能够刺激肠胃蠕动,帮助消化,促进肠道废物排出,有助于预防便秘。

6. **增强免疫力**:奶白菜中的营养成分,如蛋白质、钙、磷、铁等,都是人体必需的,有助于增强人体的免疫力。


7. **益心血管**:奶白菜中含有能够降低机体胆固醇的有效成分,同时还能增加血管的弹性,有助于减少和预防心脑血管疾病。

8. **抗衰老和抗辐射**:奶白菜中的维生素E能够抑制皮肤衰老,减少辐射对身体的损害。


9. **益乳**:奶白菜中的一些成分有助于维持肠道健康,从而对乳制品的消化吸收有积极作用。

10. **养阴补虚**:奶白菜具有养阴补虚的作用,对于体虚人群具有一定的调养效果。




1. **营养价值丰富**:桑葚酒含有多种微量元素,如硒、钙、铁、锌等,以及苹果酸、维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素C和胡萝卜素等。这些成分对人体的健康非常有益。

2. **生津止渴**:桑葚酒具有生津止渴的功效,适合在干燥或口渴时饮用。

3. **补肝益肾**:桑葚酒能够补肝益肾,对于因肝肾不足引起的腰膝酸软、精神不振等症状有一定的缓解作用。

4. **熄风滋阴**:桑葚酒有熄风滋阴的作用,适用于因阴虚风动引起的症状。

5. **黑发明目**:桑葚酒中含有丰富的乌发素和白黎芦醇,有助于保持头发健康和视力。


6. **健脾胃、助消化**:桑葚酒中的鞣酸、脂肪酸和苹果酸等成分,有助于促进脂肪、蛋白质及淀粉的消化,对健脾胃、助消化有积极作用。

7. **抗炎**:桑葚酒中含有大量芦丁,具有凉血止血、清肝泻火、抗炎的功效。

8. **活血祛瘀**:桑葚酒具有活血散寒、舒经活络的作用,可用于缓解因血瘀导致的痛经、月经不调等症状。


9. **补肾壮阳**:桑葚酒能入肾经,对因肾虚引起的腰膝酸软、精神不振等症状有滋补作用。

10. **平肝明目**:桑葚酒可平肝火,用于治疗因肝火引起的目赤肿痛、青光眼、白内障等。

11. **抗氧化、抗衰老**:桑葚酒中的抗氧化成分如花青素和白黎芦醇,能帮助抵抗自由基,延缓衰老。

12. **降血脂、降血压、软化血管**:桑葚酒具有一定的降血脂、降血压、软化血管的功效。

13. **增强免疫力**:桑葚酒能增强人体免疫力,帮助抵御外来病菌的影响。

14. **美容养颜**:桑葚酒中的维生素C、维生素E等成分,有助于美容养颜,保持皮肤健康。

– 少年儿童
– 糖尿病患者
– 对酒精过敏者



1. **补充能量**:糖水中的糖分是人体能量的主要来源之一,饮用糖水可以迅速补充因运动或其他活动所消耗的能量。

2. **润肺生津**:糖水具有润肺生津的功效,适合于发热、出汗多、手足心潮热、咽干、干渴等症状的患者,有助于补充体内水分和电解质。

3. **改善血液循环**:糖水能够改善血液循环,对于因血液循环不畅导致的症状有一定的缓解作用。


4. **促进伤口愈合**:糖水中的糖分可以改变伤口的酸碱性,促进组织细胞的生长,加速伤口愈合。

5. **滋阴补阴**:对于一些阴虚体质的人,适量饮用糖水可以起到滋阴补阴的作用。

6. **消暑解暑**:在夏季,饮用冷藏的糖水可以起到消暑解暑的效果,止渴解热。

7. **清肺润肺**:糖水对于清肺润肺也有一定的帮助,适合肺燥或肺热的人群。

8. **辅助治疗**:对于某些病症,如急性腹泻或因高温引起的脱水,糖水可以作为辅助治疗方法。




1. **菊花**:
– **清热解毒**:菊花性微寒,具有清热解毒的功效,可以帮助排除体内毒素,适用于治疗由热毒引起的病症。
– **平肝明目**:菊花有平肝明目的作用,适用于治疗头痛、眼干、眼涩、视力模糊等症状。
– **镇静解热**:现代医学研究表明,菊花含有挥发油、菊甙等成分,可以镇静解热,增强毛细血管抵抗力。
– **养颜美容**:菊花中含有的多种氨基酸、维生素和微量元素,有利于养颜美容。

2. **决明子**:
– **清热润肠**:决明子性寒,具有清热润肠的功效,有助于缓解便秘。
– **明目**:决明子中的大黄素等成分可以起到明目的作用,适用于治疗眼部疾病。
– **利水通便**:决明子还有利水通便的作用,有助于治疗水肿、腹水等症状。
– **降压降脂**:决明子具有一定的降压降脂作用,适用于高血压、高血脂等患者。

3. **菊明子(菊花+决明子)的联合作用**:
– **清肝泻火**:菊花和决明子共同作用,有助于清肝泻火,适用于肝火旺盛引起的头痛、目赤、烦躁等症状。
– **养阴明目**:两者结合可以养阴明目,适用于肝肾不足、眼睛干涩等症。
– **降压降脂**:有助于降低血压和血脂,适用于高血压、高血脂等患者。
– **润肠通便**:有助于缓解便秘,适用于习惯性便秘患者。




1. **增香作用**:橙香精油主要用于食品、化妆品和个人护理产品的增香,可以增强橙子的天然香味,使产品更加吸引人。

2. **美容养颜**:橙花精油含有多种有效成分,如芫荽油醇、橙花醇等,这些成分有助于抗皱淡斑,美容提亮,对皮肤有很好的渗透力。

3. **改善消化系统**:橙花精油能够改善消化系统问题,如腹泻,促进食物消化,对胃肠不适有一定的缓解作用。

4. **安抚情绪**:橙香精油具有安抚神经的作用,可以缓解焦虑、紧张情绪,帮助远离沮丧和失落感。

5. **生理调节**:橙花精油有助于调节生理低欲情况,促进荷尔蒙分泌,增加亲密关系。

6. **抗炎抗菌**:由于含有维生素C和类黄酮等成分,橙香精油具有一定的抗菌消炎作用。

7. **促进血液循环**:橙香精油中含有的特殊成分可以帮助血管循环,加速新陈代谢,对微血管疾病有一定的辅助作用。

8. **改善睡眠**:甜橙精油具有镇静作用,可以驱离紧张情绪和压力,改善焦虑引起的失眠。

9. **皮肤护理**:橙香精油对于油性、暗疮或干燥皮肤都有帮助,可以促进皮肤排出毒素,平衡皮肤酸碱值,帮助胶原形成,促进身体组织的生长与修复。


10. **清洁和消毒**:橙香精油也常用于家庭清洁产品中,因其天然的香气和清洁能力,可以改善室内空气质量。

– 确保使用的是纯正的橙香精油,避免添加了化学成分的混合香精。
– 使用时需遵循正确的比例和方法,避免过量使用。


– 对某些人来说,橙香精油可能引起过敏反应,使用前应进行皮肤测试。


Two aunts with dishes on the table, Zhang Lan, wearing home sports, led Lin Xiao to come together.

"When will my dad come back?" Han Han asked 1 beside the sofa
"Soon? I called him just now. He’s on his way." Zhang Lan replied and turned to Qin Yu. "Come and have dinner."
"Ah good" Qin Yu stepped past.
"Mama, this is a gift that Qin Yu bought for you." Lin Hanhan showed off again.
Zhang Lan took the gift, glanced at it in front of Qin Yu and nodded with a smile. "Fine, thank you, Xiao Qin."
"You’re welcome, Aunt."
"Come and sit down!" Zhang Lan gave the gift to her aunt and sat down at the dining table with three children. She smiled and said "Move".
"Wait for uncle," Qin Yu said with a smile.
"Don’t wait for him to come back from eating at this point, that is, sit for a while." Zhang Lan smiled
Suddenly there was a light ring on the door and a heavy step came. Lin Hanhan suddenly grinned, "Ah, my dear father is back."
In fact, Lin Nianlei rarely chats with her parents in this playful tone, but today she is acting abnormally. The little girl is trying to be coquettish and cute.
Qin Yu got up and was just about to meet him in the doorway corridor when he saw a burly man with half white hair coming in in a military uniform.
Chapter 33 Polite and insipid
Lin Yaozong’s appearance fully explains what a middle-aged and elderly man is. He is more than one meter tall, but he is not hunched at all. He walks straight with wind, cheeks, facial features, three-dimensional atmosphere, sword eyebrows and temples. Shuang Hu has a bright eye
This sparkle is not that kind of exaggeration, but it is really suitable for his eyes to shine.
Qin Yu finally knows that Lin Hanhan and Lin Xiaochang are both beautiful. This horse riding is genetic power!
"Have you all eaten?"
Yao-zong Lin smiled and glanced at Qin Yu, and all of them quickly came over and stretched out his hand and said, "Little Qin, right? !”
"Hello uncle!" Qin Yu immediately greeted him.
Lin Yaozong looked at Qin Yu’s words and said simply and neatly, "This meal is not delicious. We have to drink and talk in detail!"
Qin Yu Zheng
"But I have to go to a meeting today." Lin Yaozong said with a smile. "I’ll go upstairs and get a material for you to eat."
After that, Lin Yaozong pointed to the stairs. "I’ll go first!"
"So busy?" Lin Nianlei fart dian fart behind "agreed to eat today"
"Urgent things must be dealt with!" When Lin Yaozong spoke, people had reached the first floor and a half steps.
At the gate, two young sergeants in military uniforms stood still and waited quietly.
When the owner comes back, no one will really sit there and eat, and all the places are waiting in the building.
After five or six minutes, Lin Yaozong came from the building and said softly to Zhang Lan, "You are going to the hospital at night, and the situation is not very good. You should prepare early!"
"Good" Zhang Lan nodded.
Lin Yaozong stepped to the file bag beside Qin Yu and patted Qin Yu’s arm and said, "The young man is in good spirits!"
Qin Yuwen was shocked
"Ok, you eat and I’ll go first!" Lin Yaozong came and went like the wind and took the information to the door. "Let’s eat!"
Just stepped to go out with all alpha males again.

She raised a long stick. "Sleeping!"

A giant black ant fell to the ground like a deep sleep.
"This skill is good!"
Sleeping can be very effective.
It can put the monster into a deep sleep, and it will last for a long time unless it attacks the monster.
The giant ant monster has very low resistance to this spell, so Su Yunbing can easily get an elite giant ant to fall asleep and reduce an elite giant ant’s combat power, which makes it much easier for other giant ants to deal with it.
Throw the chain hammer over
A brown giant ant’s head exploded directly!
Hang Yu swung out another giant ant’s head with a chain hammer of cutting and was shot in the head again!
Su Yunbing look a bit stunned.
This strange weapon in Hang Yu’s hand is so strange.
It’s a bit like a meteor hammer in martial arts novels, but there are some differences.
Hang Yu can cover all giant ants with a radius of five meters by relying on a flexible chain, and it will be blown up if it doesn’t come near.
Ordinary giant ants are vulnerable!
Almost all of them are seconds kill with one blow!
"Your weapon is too powerful!" Su Yunbing waved a whip to repel the monster and was still looking for leisure to chat with Hang Yu. "But how can you slip away with such a strange weapon?"
"When I was a child, I was a master at playing yo-yo, and all kinds of postures and moves were already perfect." Hang Yu smashed the giant ant four meters away with another hand. "I can use it as a yo-yo when I find it."
God damn yo-yo
Can this thing be like a yo-yo
Su Yunbing doesn’t know whether to admire or spit on Hang Yu’s brain hole.
Others have launched skills or gun fires. Although there are a large number of giant ants, there are Hang Yu and Su Yunbing who have no casualties in many master bases.
The fighting here will soon be over.
Throw a few grenades into the hole and blow up the ants by digging them out of the tunnel.
Juling Lotus is still collecting aura.
Summoning spells swish to absorb the soul breath.
Hang Yu feels that his aura has increased by more than 5 points. According to this trend, the aura gained from this defense battle will be very impressive.
Just at this time.
Dadada heavy machine gun strafe sound.
The mortar roared when it was fired.
Coming from the west at the same time, the battle at the front line has started.
Hang Yu knows that there will be a tough battle, but it is a huge opportunity for him!
Chapter 144 Action
"These giant ants have been wiped out." Su Yunbing slightly gasped and swept the bodies all over the ground. "We temporarily stabilized the rear of the defense line."
Hang Yu shook his head. "It’s not so easy for giant ants. What these guys are good at is tunnel warfare. They will appear again and the number will increase."
Su Yunbing frowned. "That can also be done!"
"Giant ants than imagined many people hand a few do his duty to keep how long? There will always be loopholes, and once the defense line is torn, the consequences will be unimaginable. What is urgently needed now is not to stick to it here, but to find the ant king and kill it. "
"Now the situation is too chaotic. Do you have any way to determine the location of the queen ant?"
"Of course there is."
Hang Yu has two ways.
The first is to summon two dog.
Two dog can lock the position of the queen ant through the divine dog, but the husky essence ability is not everything. If the target is too far away, the ability will be invalid.
The second way is to launch investigation skills and find them by yourself.
Full-scale eagle eye enhancement is not a decoration. Although it does not have the ability to attack, it is a very powerful detection skill, which allows Hang Yu to count how many moles there are on other people’s faces at a distance of thousands of meters.
Just looking for an ant king
This should not be difficult!
Hang Yu chose the second method, climbing to the highest position of the factory and then launching eagle-eye reconnaissance.
The battlefield situation is quite fierce now.
Two kinds of monsters are constantly impacting the defense line.
In addition to a large number of giant ants, there is a more exaggerated monster.
This monster is made of stones from head to toe from inside to outside. It is two meters tall or without a neck … This is the stone monster introduced earlier.
Hangyu vision
Dozens of stone monsters charged at the defense line.

"Who are you? What will ruin my good deeds? " Teddy asked angrily, there are not many businessmen in new york who dare to spoil him.

Frank grinned but ignored the arms tycoon. "I’m the boy’s uncle and his only relative."
With that, Frank pointed at Goofy.
"My nephew will stand out if he is bullied!"
Teddy’s eyes narrowed. It seems that this uncle is not easy to mess with.
Just as Frank was talking, a messenger in the buyer’s gang couldn’t help but move his hand. He took advantage of Frank’s relaxed vigilance to raise the trigger of the gunner and gently pull it.
It’s a pity that Frank picked up the big sniper’s hand faster than he did.
The messenger fell on his back and blood spilled all over his partner.
Frank laughed coldly. "What? Still want to play with our father? "
Teddy quickly shook his head at the buyer and stopped them from further action, not because he was really afraid of Frank, but because he was worried about NYPD and arrived.
Frank is nothing but a sharp marksmanship. army of one, although his messenger has knocked over a dozen people, he can still kill him if he goes all out with his brothers. However, Goofy’s identity is not simple. He is a NYPD police officer. Teddy was going to make a high flying horse retreat, but now it seems that he has been flying high for too long.
There will never be a police officer who is stupid enough to rush in and provoke a criminal gang alone, so Teddy is sure that Goofy still has support. Now, if he can’t retreat, they will be surrounded by NYPD support.
"Let’s withdraw!"
Teddy gave the order and quickly commanded the car of Xing Dangyu to retreat.
So the criminals got into the off-road vehicle and started the engine to escape.
Frank didn’t kill Teddy, but targeted the truck with guns.
"People can leave their guns."
The first shot of the big sniper blasted the window glass, and the second shot directly shot the driver in the head. Teddy didn’t care about protecting the gun, so he quickly ordered, "Forget the goods and get out!" Hurry up! "
Several SUV engines roared straight to the garage exit.
The remaining two gangsters didn’t catch this wave of retreat, but they still stubbornly besieged Goofy. Frank sent them away directly and remotely without saying a shot.
When the gun falls behind, Frank and Goofy will be left in the garage.
Frank stepped high and flew away with a big smile on his face.
"Not too touched by my good nephew, this is what I should do." Frank reached out and patted Goofy on the shoulder enthusiastically. "How about that? Miss me? "
Goofy rolled his eyes and said I still miss you and I want to hit you!
Two criminal gangs gathered together, and many gangsters were well equipped! What a rare opportunity! What a dangerous scene!
If you want to fly high, run out of ammunition and sacrifice yourself properly, who would have thought that you would kill Frank halfway, destroy everything with a barrel of gasoline and a big sniper!
"Frank, what are you doing here? !” Goofy said gloomily, "Who told you to come here!"
Frank warmly hugged Goofy’s shoulder. "We cut off the blood and let me fly here. You can rest assured that if your life is threatened, my uncle will do anything to protect you."
"Come on, don’t fool me!" Goofy a face of disgust "are you looking for me to stay in the apartment and analyze the map?" What’s your intention to say that this guy suddenly appears here? "
"What can I do? I’m here to protect you, nephew! " Frank looked simple and said, "Who is worth me going through fire and water except you?"

Very not easy to avoid this palm GuQing want to also don’t want to have been his refinement into a weapon level "glance" sword immediately broke up with a sweeping momentum instantly penetrated, then took the mysterious palm straight to Ye Xueqin facade beheaded!

"Lingqi! ? I can’t see that you still have some details, but what about that! It’s not much harder for me to kill you than to kill an ant! " Ye Xueqin’s eyes flashed with cold light, and the traction body of Qi Qi was surging and running directly to the right hand. In front of her with a "glimpse" sword, she suddenly started a buzzing storm and grabbed this spirit sword in her hand!
"Looking for death!"
At the moment when Ye Xueqin caught a glimpse of the flying sword, he suddenly exploded more than a dozen Geng Jin Qi.
These Geng Jin qi contains sharp spirit and can be poured into the spirit instrument to raise it to a whole level. At this moment, at such a close distance, ten thousand golden lights burst into all directions to kill everything!
Ye Xueqin’s right hand in Jianfeng has burst into vigorous truth when Geng Jin Qi broke out. Trying to suppress these Geng Jin Qi is that her body’s qi and blood running speed is extremely fast, but it eventually slows down by half a beat. More than a dozen Geng Jin Qi blasters come out directly in her white hand and draw a few deep red blood stains. The potential is not reduced to her body!
"Zichen Festival!"
A purple light immediately emerged from Ye Xueqin’s body, and the speed of light quickly wound around her body, while her figure was already retreating!
"bang! Bang! Bang! Hey! "
The dense ring kept ringing in the purple light, and more than a dozen masers kept breaking away, but the department was resisted.
However, Ye Xueqin’s face became cold and folded when he was repeatedly forced back by a practitioner of Dan Dao. "I, Ye Xueqin, can’t stand your mere Dan Dao and a heavy brother. Even if you have great means, you will die for me today! Storm disease refers to! "
In the cold drink, the bridge connecting heaven and earth above her head has been injected into the virtual surging heaven and earth, and the vitality has been continuously poured into her body along the bridge between heaven and earth, and then it has been rolled by the meridians and blood, and it has been lasered out from the finger acupoints to form a series of roads that have been swept away by the fingers.
"whew! Whew! Hey! "
Breaking constantly ringing in the ear, high-speed rotating strength, each with the power to penetrate the spirit!
Such a moment has been called life and death!
In Gu Qing’s mind, it’s equivalent to Dan Dao’s third and fourth master’s mental surface to mobilize extremely horrible speed, calculating all the finger-strength shooting trajectories, and the whole body is full of qi and blood, and the whole body is full of limbs. As soon as the finger-strength shooting position evasion command is calculated, the fastest speed evasion can be achieved in every corner of the body!
Ye Xueqin glanced at GuQing dodge pace mouth cold roar "see when you hide! Ground fissure! " When you speak, you suddenly reach out and draw a round earthen mound and blast it into the ground. At the moment, the area where Guqing stands is full of soil vitality and riots. A series of sharp and extremely sharp soil thorns roared out. Every soil thorn hit the ground as if it contained thunder force. The solid slate broke into pieces and sputtered in four directions. Huge cracks spread at the top of the mountain, almost tearing the whole mountain in half.
"Soil Gang gas! This Ye Xueqin has actually practiced this method, and it is true to carry out the earth’s traction and pulse gas to resonate with the earth’s force! Since I stayed in Qingxuanfeng, I have never sacrificed the spiritual pulse, the earth pulse, the water pulse and the gas pulse of this mountain to protect the mountain array. It is even more uncontrollable, but it is cheaper for her now. "
Each of these soil thorns contains a strong smell of soil, which is not inferior to that of ordinary Dan Dao masters. The force of stabbing the root is not what Gu Qing can resist now, and the other Dan Dao quadruple masters have to explode qi and blood all the time to offset this pressure. At that time, the crisis is heavy!
Ye Xueqin and Gu Qing fought against Qing Xuanfeng, and the palace collapsed, and the peaks were shattered, and the true brothers naturally felt something nearby. One by one, they drove the flying sword as quickly as possible and came to Qing Xuanshan, ten miles away, watching.
Ye Xueqin, though only talented and accomplished four times, has cultivated to this point in such a short time. His talent is extremely terrible. He is very famous among the 367 true brothers, and Gu Qingqing Xuanfeng is located near them. Naturally, they have heard about the identity of this newly promoted true brother!
Seeing that the two of them are fighting for life and death in Zongmen, several true brothers can’t help looking at each other!
"We dazzle Yang Tianzong’s true brother, and it is forbidden to fight privately. Violators will be severely punished by the door rules! Elder martial sister Ye and elder martial brother fought at the mountain peak at the risk of breaking the rules! "
"Elder martial sister Ye’s talent is so excellent that she has won the respect of the master. It is said that even one of the elders in the door is impressed with her and cultivated. Even if she breaks the rules of the door, the master will probably be lenient!"
"It’s really not easy that this ancient Qing Cai Dan Dao can persist in the hands of Sister Ye for so long after being rebuilt!"
"The teacher elder sister leaves after entering my dazzling YangTianZong practice achievement method impact Dan higher realm for all kinds of magical powers tactic but mastered some of them in the hands of a magic weapon of the spirit is also very little! This allowed Gu Qing to escape his life, but he definitely couldn’t last long! "
"Gu Qing, I know that he was quite arrogant when he was not promoted to his true brother. King Wang proved that killing the elders of the court of justice, Taibai, actually had a grudge against Ye Xueqing on one side of the mountain peak. This will even make Ye Xueqin seek revenge for his sister."
"Just promoted Dan Tao so make enemies … this ancient green is really little, isn’t it strong, it has its own strong hand, one mountain is strong, and one mountain is high …"
True brother talk in succession, and the battle of Qingxuanfeng has reached the most intense level!
Ye Xueqin desperately controlled the virtual and rustic atmosphere and completely shattered the ground so that he could hide!
"Refuse to reconcile and refuse to be a minister. For you who are ignorant of good and evil, Ye Xueqin has always killed the future trouble one by one!" Seeing the time is right, the mouth immediately uttered a clear scream "stop here! Destroy the storm! "
At the moment, a dark cyan energy was played by her, and the structure of this dark cyan energy was extremely unstable. The energy inside was constantly cracked, strangled, and swept away. Everything that entered it was shrouded in the moment when she played it, and the ancient green was completely covered in the courtyard!